Rob G's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Weekly Comic Book Review Reviews: 22
7.6Avg. Review Rating

Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #584

Jan 25, 2009

This is a good start to a potentially interesting arc, but I'd like to see more depth with these characters. It's hard to enjoyPeter's brand new world where he knows so many people, but no one knows him and who he is. Previous arcs before BND were dramatic stories about life, death, and meaning; however these themes can't be explored within Peter's current environment. Despite these fewcomplaints, I'm enjoying this arc so far, and I think it has potential to be fantastic.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #595

Jun 1, 2009

A nice start to an interesting and exciting arc that is poised to make substantial changes to Spidey's world. Irecommendto anyone who is waiting to jump into this series to make the plunge now. I expect good things from the creative team, as I'm already lookingforwardto seeing how things play out.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #603

Aug 19, 2009

Fantastic story here. Maybe one of the best post-Brand New Day ASM issues. Incredible character work on the Chameleon who fights the fights of his victims in some twisted sense of loyalty to the lives he's destroyed. I literally cannot wait for the final installment of this arc in two weeks to see how Peter is going to come out of this one and what effect it will have on his life.

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #30

Jun 29, 2009

I hate slamming artists because I respect them so much and there is no way I could do even one line that they draw so effortlessly. That being said, the art near cripples this issue, which I would give an A if it lookeddifferently. I will sat that Bianchi has an insane amount of talent, but it just comes out strange and distracting, most of the time in this series (kinda like another artist on the other X-Men series. I'm talking to you Greg Land). However, word is that Phil Jimenez is taking on art duties next arc and I look forward to seeing all that go down. Kudos to Ellis for re-establishing Astonishing X-Men as “the” X book on the stands. Now, just get the book out on time, will you?

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Battlefields: Dear Billy #3

Mar 30, 2009

I realize that in this review I haven't revealed much of the specific plot and that is because the story is so tightly written that I am afraid any detail might spoil it for the poor lug who hasn't read this series yet. Quite soon this series will be collected into a small TPB and sold for less than ten bucks. Buy it! Or, if you can find them, get the whole series now with the three beautiful Cassady covers. I cannot not wait for the next series of Battlefields to hit the shelves!

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Captain America (2004) #48

Mar 30, 2009

I hate to do this, but as it stands now, I will no longer be along for the ride as long as you're driving. I'll put my 3 bucks to a more worth-while cause. I am thusly branding you with a final.

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Captain America (2004) #49

Apr 20, 2009

In short, this was a greatexcursioninto the Captain America mythos and frankly, much better than the amost recent arcs.Between the solicitationsinvolvinga black Captain America uniform that was popping up in Marvel books a few weeks ago and the hints provided in this issue, I predict Steve is returning and soon enough. I always thought that since his death his body reverted to his pre-superserumform coupled with the fact that he wasburiedin ice (again!), Steve wasn't going to stay dead. The flatness of Bucky as a character reinforces my position that there is a resurrection coming. I stand by my belief that this series will be for the better when Bucky returns to being a sidekick.

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Captain America (2004) #50

May 25, 2009

A nice one and done tale. No fireworks. No dramatic revelations. Just another character study on Bucky, which I think is the main problem I have with this series of latealmost every issue is a character study on Bucky. I'd like to see some plot momentum or some new villians or something novel happen in this series. Brubaker revitalized Daredevil with new characters and contestant external-conflict for Matt Murdock. That's not really happening here in this series as it is always focused on uncovering the past. However, as I mentioned before, I think there will be dramatic changes down the line for Captain America. The black-flag teaser and the upcoming Reborn mini-series point to big things on the horizon.

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Final Crisis #7

Jan 28, 2009

I think the biggest setback of this issue (and this series, for that matter) comes when Morrison focuses to much on cool ideas by sacrificing solid story telling. Perhaps the most damming conclusion I'm forced to say about this comic is that it is un-recommendable.

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Final Crisis: Revelations #4

Dec 16, 2008

This is a very good series that works well on its own and also compliments the main event. If you have been following these characters since 52, this series will be even more enjoyable. However, this issue stalls the momentum that Rucka has been building since the first issue. That being said, I look forward to the conclusion next issue. I am cautiously optimistic that the plot will be resolved in this series rather than being left open to be dealt with in the pages of Final Crisis.

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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #37

Jun 15, 2009

Green Lantern Corps is the best Lantern book on the shelves right now. It'sinterestinghow Johns dropped the ball on the main series and seeing Tomasi's home run here, John's butterfingers are quite apparent. Buy this!

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Hulk (2008) #11

Apr 27, 2009

Overall, Hulk #11 won't change the hearts and minds of comic book readers who are committed to their opinion of this comic. I for one enjoy this genre of comic and though some might loathe me for saying this, but I hope more comics emulate this type of story, I am pleased with one title helming this style.

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Incredible Hulk (2009) #601

Aug 31, 2009

It's funny that this week's Red Hulk widely panned Loeb read was better than the much anticipated Pak Green Hulk installment. Its not that this comic was bad, it wasn't, it was just kind of a snoozer. Also, the ending didn't leave anything special to look forward to. This point coupled with the fact that there are no back stories or secondary plot threads in play, point to ominous signs for this series. That is until the next “big” event that Marvel always relies on boosts sputtering stories.

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Invincible #57

Dec 27, 2008

Conclussion: As far as a self-contained story, this is a good showing by Kirkman's creations. I especially enjoy the idea of Cecil entering into the Astounding Wolf-Man's narrative and the over-all sound logic and motivations of the characters. However, if you are looking for some substantial momentum for either of these series, you will be left unsatisfied.

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Irredeemable #1

Apr 2, 2009

A word about the sickening violence in this comic: I abhor cheap violence for shock value or to overcompensatefor lack of content. InIrredeemable, Waid is guilty of neither. Instead, the violence plays an important role in furthering the story, despite how disturbing it is.

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Spider-Man: Noir (2008) #1

Dec 23, 2008

Overall, this is a good start to an interesting series. However, I don't see how this Noir series will appeal to anyone save the die-hard Spider-Man fans. At the same time, I'm sufficiently drawn enough to want to see where a few plot lines go, which is more than I was expecting when I bought this issue.

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The Dark Tower (2007): The Fall of Gilead #1

May 16, 2009

Question for readers of the Dark Tower novels and comics: Would you want to see a comic adaptation of Roland's adventures post-Gilead, i.e., his journey to the Dark Tower?

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The Destroyer #1

Apr 5, 2009

This is a solid introduction to a unique character and there is definitely a lot of potential for a good mini-series here. I think Kirkman's creations are best when there are multiple characters for him to work with that interact with and shape the main character. I don't see that happening here and I think that the Destroyer is worse off because of it.

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Thor (2007) #602

Jun 25, 2009

Thismay be the weakest point or issue in this series so far, but at the rung of the comic book ladder where Thor resides, that is still not a bad a place to be. There is quite a lot to like here, but I wish it focused more on Thor and less on the Asgardians, as I rather learn about their plight through Thor's.

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Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #6

Jun 2, 2009

I hope to see Lindelof at the helm of more projects in the future. He adds an interesting voice to familiar characters and has an excellent sense for the mythos surrounding them.

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War of Kings #3

May 10, 2009

If you're looking for a fun andengagingread, then the War of Kings is for you. No doubt what transpires in these pages will shape the Marvel U for theforeseeablefuture. However, if your into cosmic Marvel than this will cement your convictions. But if not, this series won't convert you.

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Wolverine (2003) #73

May 18, 2009

Great art and bland story delivered cold for this excursion into the Wolverine mythos. That being said, I do think new readers will enjoy this story enough to keep them plugged in. And new readership is a good thing for all.

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