Sankalp G.'s Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: 411Mania Reviews: 45
8.2Avg. Review Rating

Ultimates #7 is an issue that can be skipped. The issue may have had much to tell but the art was not at all suited to the series and it could take away most of interest from the readers instantly.

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I really feel bad to say this as last week I praised Bendis. Civil War II had also had somewhat made its comeback in the last issue but now the momentum has stalled. This issue delivered what was promised: a big battle, though at the end, it left bad taste in my mouth. Believe me, I am generous with the ratings here.

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Somehow, I am not finding this book as a “must buy” even though the story may be leading to something big, no doubt. This tells much about the book. Another slightly better than average outing for sure.

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Solid but nothing special here other than dynamics between Spidey and Iron-Man. The next issue is the payoff issue, which I believe is too early and there are many ways they could've gone with Regent. It also teases the "MJ is Iron-Spider Suit Mary".

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The other DC #1's have been great reads. Batman has been great, Green Lantern was interesting, and Superman was complex. But if this issue is to be compared to the others, brace yourself and keep expectations in check. You will be disappointed.

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This issue did a fine job of setting up the series. The main problem are heroes with same names or powers takes away a chunk of the rating. Art is good enough to carry reader through non-action panels.

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The story has taken fantastic twist here and it is clear that it was not just a gimmick or anything as Marvel has clearly planned it all out. The scene is heating up and it is feeling like an event but after this issue, the battle could have been avoided; a single problem in the series. One thing to note here is that the heroes on both teams are fairly new and different which actually gives the Marvel Now movement some traction.

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The art team has been fantastic. Spencer has continued to play with political beliefs and has laid it barren in this issue. Maybe Secret Empire will have a glorious end and all our questions will be answered but how long should readers wait?

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Al Ewing again has beautifully tied up the issue with Civil War and it is must read for completionist people. With the seemingly big baddie out of his jail, like Vision, this series has been a slow burner and is going to have a big climax.

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Story somewhat slowed down in this issue though the final pages were pretty cool and made up for it. Not good as previous one but this issue is good enough to warrant the attention of readers.

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This book felt more like Deadpool and some heroes and less like Avengers or a team-up book. The jokes delivered and Deadpool was actually funny. Art was suited for this comic and had a vibrant feel. Less emphasis on story and more on jokes but a good cliffhanger to end the chapter.

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The WWE Wrestlemania Special was enjoyable and for anybody, no matter if they are a smark/mark or even a stranger. This comic was definitely better than the "Ultimate Thrill Ride", which was WM33, but the New Day story should not have made the cut and was a weird decision.

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Frankly, the end was particularly unexpected and Ewing has presented changes like this from the start of the series (see Galactus). The art shined in this issue and especially in the last few panels as the birth of Logos was as grand as it should be. The characterization of In-Betweener was a very clever design and so was Logos. The lack of detail in facial expression could be forgiven. The issue was an explosive one with many things happening but the introduction of the Troublemakers could have been reduced.

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A month ago, I praised this series and then went on to completely forget about it. Really, between all the dark-serious titles currently around, this one is completely fun, fluffy, and a little bit too cute to even notice.

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The art is consistent. There are some small mistakes but the art-style of this comic covers it up. This comic is a story which a Spidey fan has always wanted to see but never got and certainly this kind of story accomplishes it. It pin points the daily aspect of life, which can have its limitations, but if you want to see magic, just check out the first and last panel. This issue was consistent with its previous counterparts but felt a little bit weaker. Still, its surely a fun ride to see the daily struggles of this Spidey family.

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Legacy still has some issues to address, such as there are multiple versions of heroes running around with almost all the old timers back with their 'All new' counterparts. Infinity Stones are back in the mix as well. It's too soon to talk about anything but as far as this issue go, it's a step in the right direction and a throwback to the time when Marvel was at the top.

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This is a great issue to jump on, even though the writing is clearly targeted towards the established fanbase. It's easy enough for new readers to not feel overwhelming. The political side of this series is going to be in spotlight, no doubt. Art is good enough but requires improved coloring.

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After the blunder known as Civil War II, which served as glorified advertisement for Secret Empire, Marvel has learned from their mistake. Secret Empire has potential to be one of the best crossover events in memory, at least up to its 3rd issue.

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Sorrentino's art is pretty great, as it continues to remain the highlight of the series. Another solid, but not spectacular, issue from the team, Secret Empire, remains a promising event. A good issue overall, which some can be classify as a placeholder issue.

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The conclusion of this event was perfectly acceptable but I think Spencer could have done a lot more, considering how it ended. There are a number questions which are raised from the conclusion. Stakes, which were definitely there, were forgotten as fast as they were mentioned. Everything turned back to normal and no one batted an eye for the loses as they weren't overturned.

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The Ultimates, as a reader mentioned in the fan letters, are filling the void left by the FF and they are the only series where changes are acceptable and have some logic and and not forced. Having said that, after this Civil War arc, Ewing should get back to cosmic stories because this is where this comic really shines.

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Another good issue overall in the series, with few problems in the art department. Finally, the gears are kicked in as we head to the core part of the series. Not much to add without spoiling the entire issue.

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Another great issue, which kickstarted a new arc, with the X-Men in the mix.

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Secret Empire has been a respectable event to so far. Spencer has impressed with his knowledge and subtle references to the past events as well as his characterization and world-building. Still, as mentioned above, this issue feels like a filler but has been delivered in such a way, which makes it feel important.

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Good issue overall and solid build-up for finale.

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The Ultimates #11 is again like the Vision; a set-up issue for the end game but instead what we got is an exciting fight between Thanos and the Ultimates. Al Ewing also shows a glimpse of what is happening in the cosmic universe and we should expect some big cosmic battles in the New Marvel Now Ultimates 2.

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The art is the best thing which has happened with this soft reboot. I stated last time that series like this requires a different style than Rocafort, who is better suited for fights and action scenes rather than visuals which were offered by the Ultimates. The new art team has done a fantastic job and have nailed the look. This book will be on my pull list even if it underperforms, just because of the gorgeous art alone.

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This issue needed to deliver because the last two issues were spent building towards this. It did and has redirected the series to the next part. A little bit slow perhaps, but this issue did its job.

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Pick this up! Another great story which shows the power and malleability of superhero comics. I loved this issue. The short stories at the end are worth a full rating just for their sheer adorably nature.

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The decision taken by Batman to choose a side is polarizing to say the least. King has truly made this series his own and has already taken a big decision (Batman and Catwoman), so I expect him to deliver in this regard too.

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Overall, a very different ending. Unexpected and may disappoint its readers.

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One of the best issue so far in the series, Secret Empire continues to remain a solid event.

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Good issue and a good tie-in. Art was great. Bendis was as is usual and issue had some stakes unlike the previous issue.

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Fun aside, this has been one of the best series Marvel has put out. Thing to note was some material they showed here could have been included in the Civil War II #2 issue and it could have changed the impact it had. Basically, it was good, unlike the rest of the tie-ins we have had. Great read, even better colors, one of the best from Marvel.,

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Tom King's writing a murder suicide, and it clearly deserves reading. It's a genuinely scary work. I read it during a bright day on an above ground public train, and I couldn't help feel goose bumps, but terror aside Vision is serious without being slow and philosophical without being preachy. I'm desperately trying to find the latest five issues of this series. (None of the stores I go to have 7-11). But if you want to read it is an action horror movie you'll have a blast, and if you want to meditate on ethics in a college English paper you'll probably get an A.

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Overall, this was a near perfect issue to kickstart this arc.

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This issue is nothing but a long conversation between Gotham Girl and Batman, as well as Batman's usual midnight chase of Batgirl. Gotham Girl went through a very rough period and she is going through a case of PTSD. Tom King presents here an interesting take on the Batman; as conversation continuously swings between heroism and attaining happiness, it strips Batman to his core. King also rewards his readers as references to this conversation can be found in previous meetings between Gotham Girl and Batman at the start of this arc, as well as one from the famous 'Button' issue between Bruce Wayne and Flashpoint Thomas Wayne.

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Overall, another solid issue in the series and a perfect way to start 'War for Jokes and Riddles'. King has been on a roll for a long time now and almost all of his Batman issues are worth reading.

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All in all, WOJAR is off to a great start and establishes a very strong foundation for what could be another classic Batman story. If you haven't yet tried King's Batman so far, this is an awesome opportunity to jump in for new readers.

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I am not going to spoil this issue, as i think it's best for readers to find it out on their own. The final twist, Kite Man's journey & life, his significance, is all laid out perfectly and it should be read by the reader. At the end of the day, I will still consider it as an interlude but the quality of the issue makes it one of best issues of WOJAR.

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Overall, WOJAR has been a fantastic read but the climax is what makes or breaks the story. With Catwoman's reply to Batman's marriage proposal depending upon what Batman tells her next, King needs a solid issue to top this superb event.

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This issue follows the trend and delivers like the rest. It brings us closer to the conclusion and literally, as preview shows, we are really closer to the prophecy of Agatha Harkness.

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Vision has been a revelation for me. I thought it was just one of those C-level books or a title which is created for the sake of a reboot at first. But now I am waiting for next issue of Vision more than the Civil War II itself. It was a kind of slow build but it is really showing how proper build-up and storytelling can do for characters. The stakes are higher here than any of the other current series Marvel has put out and really making readers care for our suburban android family.

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"Another issue up, now just 2 to go, huh?" That was my feeling after reading this issue. As the cover shows, this issue has tied all the loose ends together and we are coming to the finale; where literally anything can happen. Tom King has weaved this story so well it should also have a great conclusion. As always, a great issue which was a set up, last block until the end.

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A great story ends here. I urge you people again to read this and hope you all will love it too.

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