Sarsypm's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: GWW Reviews: 2
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Nailbiter #18

Dec 8, 2015

Nailbiter is a comic I look forward to every month, and this month's issue doesn't disappoint. The combined talents of Williamson, Henderson, Guzowski, Hill, and Levin make for a flawless team and comic. The disturbing and gritty storytelling paints a perfect picture cover to cover. The thrilling story offers a jolt of excitement, akin to watching a scary movie. With Nailbiter, you'll want to cover your eyes but you won't for fear of missing out on something incredible.

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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #13

Nov 30, 2015

As the first issue in a new story arc, it would've been great to have a bit more excitement rather than more of the same. Instead, this issue reads like a conclusion to issue 12. The story of Kyle's continued exorcism of his sister, while drawn beautifully, leaves the reader wanting more, as it takes up the entire issue. However, we do get a bit of excitement with the return of Sidney, and his role in next month's issue. Hopefully Kirkman will answer some questions for us in the issues to come.

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