Tyler Howell's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Major Spoilers Reviews: 1
4.0Avg. Review Rating

Sidekick #8

Sep 8, 2014

It could be that I'm missing some very important information that would further flesh out the Red Cowl, Sidekick, and Julia Moonglow as characters, and maybe this is the beginning of the climax that ongoing readers have been waiting for in this series. Maybe this series reads very well in the trade and when there is a little more space for development. If either of these things are the case and you have been enjoying Sidekick from the beginning, please feel free to comment on that; however, I was hoping for slightly more nuanced story-telling and characterization than what I received in Sidekick #8, so if you have not been reading it already, I would skip this issue. If the concept seems interesting or you just enjoy reading about terrible people being pretty terrible to each other, the digital version of the first issue is only 99 cents on Comixology and could be worth checking out.

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