Zach Sizemore's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Latest Pull Reviews: 2
9.4Avg. Review Rating

Saga #27

Apr 8, 2015

As we inevitably build towards a massive conclusion in this arc Saga #27 was a great place to pause and do some character building. The way Vaughn writes the issue is incredibly well done; showing his real knack for deeper ideological writing, which goes beyond what each character says in the speech bubbles. Staples art is great as always, and pulls everything together in a beautiful manner. After the resolution of this issue it will be very exciting to see how the rest of the arc comes together. Saga #27 was an excellent addition to the series, being incredibly insightful and climatic on it's own, while still building towards exciting events in the future.

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Saga #30

Jul 9, 2015

However if you're just reading Saga for the art you're also in luck. Fiona Staples is currently working on Archie, from, well, Archie Comics. The book looks absolutely great, and is her typical style. I would highly recommend it for just that alone, but the writing on the book is also supposed to be very well done. Along with that Staples has a wonderful Tumblr that everyone should check out. She pretty regularly posts her work there, and it's not all violence and space creatures as Saga might lead you to believe.

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