Zack Roberts's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geeked Out Nation Reviews: 13
7.9Avg. Review Rating

Abe Sapien (2013) #12

May 14, 2014

There is little to nothing to take from the issue going forward, as expected from a filler issue; but that does not mean it is not worth reading. It is a superbly written, drawn and inked comic that resonates emotionally with adult readers. Abe Sapien being granted his own ongoing series (at long, long last) has lived up to expectation and Abe's journey, reminiscent of Kane in Kung Fu, has so far been a joy to read. This issue continues the strong work Mignola, Allie and Fiumara have been providing monthly and is one of the best so far; despite its detachment from Abe's long running goal.

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Abe Sapien (2013) #13

Jun 11, 2014

As Abe Sapien starts a new arc, with a new companion; the story telling is as stellar as ever from Mignola and Allie as is the art work and color from Fiumara and Stewart. My new local retailer tells me it doesn't sell so he has cancelled his order; something I prey is not common for comic stores across the globe as I, along with many Abe fans, have been thoroughly enjoying the series so far and expect it to continue its level of brilliance for as long as Dark Horse is willing and able to publish it. So, if you are not reading Abe Sapien, please do! This is the book Mignola and Dark Horse want you to jump onto, so give it a chance! It won't disappoint.

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B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #120

Jun 17, 2014

With the intensity of B.P.R.D. and its huge overarching narrative of Hell on Earth, the way Mignola chooses to break up the series by placing smaller arcs, of 2-3 issues, between the larger 5 issue runs makes it easier to follow. It makes it easier to relax and enjoy the stories unfolding as opposed to becoming a hard, labor of love to endure marathon that it could easily be. As always, there are points in this issue, as there will be in the concluding chapter next month, that will be picked up later on; but it is doing so in a way that is enjoyable without being too heavy.

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Batman '66 Meets The Green Hornet #1

Jun 4, 2014

As I hoped the issue ends on a great Bat-cliff-hanger that is, as expected, easy to escape from. The whole book is just superb fun for fans of the show, and pays homage to the series wonderfully. After half an hour of sheer joy through nostalgia I eagerly await the second issue.

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Green Lantern (2011) #32

Jun 4, 2014

Final note, and final groan, is the fact that not only do we not see Sodam Yat, but he isn't even mentioned! Why is this? Who knows, but he is surely set to appear in the next issue of Green Lantern Corps. At least I hope so, because the arc needs something to inject life into it, and soon.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #31

May 16, 2014

Ending on a positive note, the reveal of this character also reveals the Durlans grand plan to destroy the Greens; and it is a brilliant plan. Comic villains often come up with ridiculous plans that have no hope of succeeding in taking out the hero, not this plan. This plan is, as long as they can pull it off before the Greens stop them, absolute genius. Being cryptic as to not spoil the reveal for you I found the book disappointing until those final few pages but put it down with a sense of contentment.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #32

Jun 11, 2014

The last part feels now to be a total wasted of paper, as almost everything that happened in it is done properly here, and in a far superior way. Hopefully the penultimate instalment of the arc, in Green Lantern #33 pace and quality leading to a crashing finale in next month's Green Lantern Corps #33. The arc gathers pace and improves greatly, but makes the last issue redundant. The final page leaves the issue on a proper cliff-hanger (for the first time in the arc) and finally a real threat is felt from the devious Durlans.

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Hellboy in Hell #6

May 14, 2014

After reading the latest installment of Hellboy in Hell I am left with more questions than I had before, yet feel happy with the story having so much secrecy and mystery, as after all, this is Mike Mignola.

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MPH #2

Jun 16, 2014

MPH is so far as good as any Millar World title and this issue draws the reader in even further to this fascinating story through superb writing and brilliant art work. 10 years in to Millar's World of creator owned magnificence, and I look forward to the next 10 eagerly.

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Protectors Inc. #6

Apr 24, 2014

This is a series I have been enjoying, and its smooth storytelling from book to book makes it easy to read. This installment poses new questions for the reader and Riley, and evolves him and his relationship The Angel. It does feel like a “filler” issue but this allows breathing room in a complex and interesting overall narrative.The most impactive event (the coroner's fire) is not given enough attention, and far too many pages are dedicated to Riley's relationship with The Angel, despite little happening between them.

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Uber #11

Apr 24, 2014

This fantastic issue, which is by far the best of the series and that is saying something, concludes the first year of Gillen's story in the best possible way and shows us what the focus is going to be next.

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Uber #12

Apr 30, 2014

This issue reveals a lot about Stephanie, but the disappointing reveal of Leah overshadows an issue that may have beenfar superior. Andrade does everything else right, but it may be that only his disappointing work on Leah that will be remembered from Uber #12.

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Uber #13

May 15, 2014

The issue pledged to reveal a lot about Maria and it delivers fully on that promise. She is seen as a strong and good hearted person who will use her vast power to protect the weak. It reveals vital elements of her history and teases what is to come from her next, and I cant wait. This issue is the 3rd in as many weeks, and despite some criticisms of issue 12 the standard of storytelling seems to be keeping to its self-set high standards.

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