Judge Dredd: Titan #1
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Judge Dredd: Titan #1

Writer: Rob Williams Artist: Henry Flint Publisher: 2000AD Release Date: June 15, 2016 Cover Price: $19.99 Critic Reviews: 2
9.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

On Saturn's distant moon Titan lies the Mega-City One penal colony for exiled ex-Judges, the most corrupt, dangerous and desperate to ever once carry the badge of office. Now the Justice Department of Mega-City One has lost contact with the Titan penal colony, a big problem considering that it houses over one thousand law-breaking ex-judges, many of which have a grudge with their old colleagues. Now Dredd, must team up with SJS Judge Gerhart, a man who holds him responsible for "Chaos Day," and battle a formidable army led by one of the most dangerous ex-undercover Judge's ever!

  • 10
    All-Comic - Tyler Goulet Apr 6, 2017

    Judge Dredd: Titan is one of those collections that has a lot going on. Its yet another collection that seamlessly sews together the fabric of all these smaller strips into one, large helping of Dredd. If youre looking for if, you might be able to pinpoint the starting and stop points of each episode, but with a story as engrossing as this, its more likely youre just going to continue plowing through it without giving it a second thought. And thats the beauty of these 2000 AD collections. Not only are they filled with some of the best characters, some of the best stories and of course some of the best art youll find anywhere on the planet, all of those things combine to really pull the reader into the story. Titan is a one-sitting kind of collection because youre simply not going to want to put it down. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Flickering Myth - Villordsutch Jun 13, 2016

    Judge Dredd: Titan does have a climactic battle, however this isn't where our war is truly raging – that is within the skull of our protagonist. This book is a 2000AD story that should both be owned and remembered as it is vitally important in the evolution of our lawman. Read Full Review

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