Providence #1
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Providence #1

Writer: Alan Moore Artist: Jacen Burrows Publisher: Avatar Press Release Date: May 27, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 12
8.0Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

The most important work of 2015 begins here with the long-awaited arrival of Alan Moore's breathtaking epic PROVIDENCE with his artistic partner Jacen Burrows. In his most carefully considered work in decades, Moore deconstructs all of Lovecraft's concepts, reinventing the entirety of his work inside a painstakingly researched framework of American history. Both sequel and prequel to NEONOMICON, PROVIDENCE begins in 1919 and blends the mythical visions of HPL flawlessly into the cauldron of racial and sexual intolerance that defined that era on the East Coast of America. Every line from artist Jacen Burrows is perfectly honed to complete thi more

  • 9.7
    Major Spoilers - Chris Wilson Jun 2, 2015

    Providence #1 is some of Moore's best work in a long time and the artwork is wonderful as well. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comix I Read - Tyler Omichinski May 30, 2015

    I, for one, am intrigued by Moore's claims that he's bringing the fear back to Cthluhu. Hopefully the chibi Cthluhus and my Little Cthluhus are going to be given a reminder that what they did first was grip at the dreams and fears of humans, reminded them of their own meaninglessness. Doing so would mean a great boon and a move away from the more humorous and cute things we've gotten recently from many corners. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Overmental - Andrew Tran May 27, 2015

    What's surprising is that there's very little actual haunt or horror in this first issue, but the presentation and implications of the themes give you plenty to chew on, for an unsettlingly quiet start to a grand new story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Jun 2, 2015

    Moore and Burrows drew me right into this world, so much so that I'm excited to dive back into their previous Neonomicon and Courtyard books. Providence takes it's time to draw readers in, and much like Lovecraft's writing, hints at a darker world not yet seen. I'm not quite sure where Moore is headed with this new series, but he's hooked me with this first issue. Providence seems as though it's going to take it's time in showing us the horrors that await, which is making the dread of what's to come that much more compelling. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Jun 2, 2015

    Moore turns away from horror in the first issue, but sets it up for future issues, so I’m staying on top of this series. He creates an intelligent and sophisticated story about the press, culture, history, and even sociology. This is definitely one to keep your eye on. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Infinite Comix - Tim Stacey May 31, 2015

    The first issue ofProvidenceprovides a compelling start to a story that is sure to be a rewarding read for Lovecraft fans, whether they're veteran readers of H.P.'s own work, or fans more recently introduced to this kind of horror through the likes of HBO'sTrue Detective.Moore and Burrows have an undeniably intimate grasp on the subject matter they're dealing with, and only time will tell if this take can surpass the needless shortcomings of their previous horror work. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Multiversity Comics - Alice W. Castle May 28, 2015

    The true horrors of H.P. Lovecraft's work is in how he brought forward the idea of cosmic horrors, of unknowable rituals and ancient beings and the idea that we are but small and entirely inconsequential in the grand scheme of the universe, and presented them in the everyday normality of small towns. From Innsmouth to Dunwich to Kingsport, Lovecraft's towns were small and they were ordinary and they were often places of unspeakable horrors lurking just behind the surface. With “Providence”, Moore and Burrows bring that feeling back to the normal, everyday town that Lovecraft grew up and while this issue may be a slow burn and may only hint at the horrors to come, it is stark and meticulous and engaging. This is Moore back at what he does best and he and Jacen Burrows are set to bring a whole new era of horror to comics. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Sacks Jun 2, 2015

    Thats as it should be, of course, since this comic is as much about the twelve-issue TPB as about this issue. It also fits because, as one mysterious character tells another, this truth, it is a land sunken behind many fathoms. Were on the shallow end of that land now; by the end of this run, we may be deep into those fathoms, experiencing gothic horror in a Lovecraftian Providence. As it should be. Make sure to read the backmatter for some much-needed context. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Booked - David Hinspeter Jun 10, 2015

    I am a huge Lovecraft fan and have read every bit of fiction he has produced. I am still excited for the series, but I cant help but feel cheated of the supernatural and cosmic horror that is the cornerstone of his body of work. Heres to hoping that Cthulhu can inspire just a bit more boldness from the man who brought us Watchmen. Read Full Review

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