Clarence Quest #1
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Clarence Quest #1

Writer: Nick Cron-Devico Artist: Matthew Smigiel, Meg Omac Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: June 29, 2016 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 3
4.9Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

What's to Love: Well into its second season on Cartoon Network, the award-nominated and popular Clarence animated series is the perfect blend of optimism and the celebration of childhood. Our comics are the perfect extension for fans seeking even more content!

  • 7.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Jun 29, 2016

    Overall, this issue is a great story that presents adventure, action, and adolescence. The humor mixed in makes it even better, to break the tension. This is a cute issue that’s worth the read for anyone, especially kids. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Justin Wood Jun 29, 2016

    Clarence fans don't have any reason to worry about this book. It's respectful to the property, as well-written as you could expect a Clarencecomic to be, and professionally, if not memorably, illustrated. However, at the very least for me, the comic failed to capture the ineffable quality that makes Clarencethe thoroughly watchable show that it is, something that likely can't be captured exactly on the static comic page. Read Full Review

  • 3.8
    BGCP - Liam Pollock Jun 29, 2016

    I've read better Clarence comics than this one. I guess, since I'm not the target audience, this is a little wasted on me, but I just found this one to be lacking any sort of merit or comedy. It was just a chain of events that happened to three kids and then stopped. So uhhh, don't break into your teacher's houses to change test results kids or you will get kidnapped by a cult if you try to set it right, I guess. Read Full Review

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