Toy Story #5
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Toy Story #5

Writer: Jesse Blaze Snyder Artist: Tanya Roberts Publisher: Boom! Studios Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
5.5Critic Rating
5.0User Rating

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Aug 3, 2010

    Toy Story is due out tomorrow, August 4. Toy Story #5 does trend to younger readers than some of the other all-ages titles. I would recommend this issue for readers between the ages of 5-8. The good thing is that Toy Story #5 is an issue you can read to your kid without being entirely bored in the process. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Major Spoilers - Scott Hunter Aug 4, 2010

    Cover A has its ups and downs: it features the five competitors for Bo Peep's affections (and also Hamm, who does not compete in the second challenge but who was put in there presumably because they needed someone to occupy the sixth position) in boxes, with Bo Peep in the middle. The content of the cover is fine, even good, but the background is just awful. It's some vile patterned red thing that contrasts with the blue background of the boxes so as to actually make me feel nauseous. It's hard to imagine a worse colour they could have picked for this background "" it looks like some horribly cheap carpet and quite simply makes my eyes hurt. Cover B is much better, in fact featuring three panels of woody putting on his Sheriff's badge and looking determined. It's eye-catching, provokes interest and really highlights that this is Woody's story "" something that would have been more effective if the aforementioned character development actually came to fruition.BOTTOM LINE: For Kids Only Read Full Review

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