Alien: The Original Screenplay #2

Writer: Cristiano Seixas Artist: Guilherme Balbi Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: September 2, 2020 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 5
7.9Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

The intercepted voice transmission has been interpreted-a dire warning . . . but is it too late? As the crew continues to survey the massive pyramid structure, they find an entrance. Who goes in, won't come out alone . . .
Adapted from the original 1976 screenplay by Dan O'Bannon (author of Moebius's The Long Tomorrow, cowriter of Total Recall, writer/director of The Return of the Living Dead).

  • 9.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Sep 1, 2020

    I couldn't put Alien: The Original Screenplay #2 down, and I've seen Alien a hundred times. It's fascinating to see an alternate take on the source material (albeit the material isn't quite what the final film used), but it's also exciting to see how well-drawn it looks and how expertly it's paced. Screw adaptation, this book is impeccably strong on its own merits. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Impulse Gamer - Tim Chuma Aug 18, 2020

    If you are already following this story I would pick this up, but maybe best to wait until it is published in an anthology as you want to read the whole thing together or else it seems like a teaser. Read Full Review

  • 6.2
    Multiversity Comics - Ryan Fitzmartin Sep 7, 2020

    An unnecessary and weaker re-imaging of a classic movie, likely of interest only to truly devoted fans. Read Full Review

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