Dark Horse Presents #7

8.5Critic Rating
5.0User Rating


In this 80-page, two hundredth issue of the multiple Eisner and Harvey Award–winning anthology, Mike Mignola revisits Hellboy’s time in Mexico with a follow-up to his story “The Coffin Man.” Fred Van Lente delivers a story about the telepathic cyborg gorilla Ape-X! Brendan McCarthy’s Dream Gang returns!

Sergio Aragonés delivers the first chapter of a new Groo tale with writer Mark Evanier!

  • 9.0
    Infinite Comix - Michael Roder Feb 22, 2015

    Dark Horse Presents #7, or #200 if you prefer, is a momentous occasion. The talent is truly top-notch, and it's a whopping 80 pages of comics for only $4.99. The next time you hear someone complaining about the price of comics at your LCS, direct them right here, to the most consistently brilliant independent comic on the market. Dark Horse Presents is more than a comic, it's an institution, and this special 200th issue wasa rousing success. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicBuzz - Scott Cosby Feb 26, 2015

    Dark Horse Presents #7 or #200 is a momentous occasion with an amazing cover gallery, and a whopping 80 pages for only $4.99. The positive aspects of this issue are the varied story content and the wide range of artistic talent, the only negative is that some stories within the issue may not be too new reader friendly. Heres to the next 200 issues of DHP! Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Feb 18, 2015

    Overall this 200th issue of Dark Horse Presents was jammed packed. 83 pages over the usual 48 and something there for everyone. Some stories felt a bit rushed, one or two just a little bit hard to follow, but overall still more that you were able to enjoy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Edward Feb 17, 2015

    This is issue is, finally, rounded off with Masks. Gillian Flynn writes a dark, but satisfying script that quickly wraps itself up. Combined with Dave Gibbons' pencils and Angus McKie's colors, this is hard to ignore and a good way to round off a decent line-up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Steven E. Paugh Feb 18, 2015

    Altogether, Dark Horse Presents #200 offers almost 80 pages of solid goddamn comic bookery, with a cover gallery thrown in for good measure. It is – in equal measure – fun, creepy, bizarre, thrilling, enigmatic, psychedelic, charming and insightful. Or in short, it is as William Trevor once said, "the distillation of an essence" of what makes comic books so damn great. Congratulations, Dark Horse Presents. Here's to 200 more! Read Full Review

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