Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #25

Writer: John Jackson Miller Artist: Scott Hepburn Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: January 30, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
7.1Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

A yearlong event with repercussions for every era and every hero in the Star Wars galaxy begins here!

When a terrible vision reaching more than four thousand years into the future alerts the secret Jedi Covenant to the importance of Taris, they activate an operative already on this planet overrun by Mandalorians. There, in the deadly Undercity, she will encounter a monstrous threat, an ancient legend, and Zayne Carrick, the Padawan accused of killing his fellow students!

For anyone who never knew where to start with Star Wars comics, "Vector" is the perfect introduction to the entire Star Wars line! For any serious S more

  • 7.3
    IGN - Richard George Jan 30, 2008

    So Vector is worth a shot, most definitely. Star Wars fans of all levels of experience and enthusiasm can step aboard and find a pleasing experience, albeit one that won't entirely compel you to keep going. At this point, given the lack of suitable television or film material, I think all fans should be willing to take a small leap of faith (only $3 to check out the next chapter) to see if things become more rewarding. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    IGN - Jesse Jan 30, 2008

    It's hard to know exactly what to make of Vector so far. The general mystery is definitely intriguing, but the main character is somewhat less so. Still, plenty of enjoyable crossovers have had less than auspicious starts. I'm more than willing to give Vector the benefit of the doubt for now. Read Full Review

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