Aquaman #22

Writer: Will Pfeifer Artist: Patrick Gleason Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 9, 2004 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

'With the Fishes,' Part 2 of 3. The Eel tightens his grip on Sub Diego, and since he can manipulate the actual motion of water, that grip quickly becomes a stranglehold! Even worse, the Eel has figured out how to strike at Aquaman in a very personal way.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 9, 2004

    Patrick Gleason is given an ideal issue for an artist to impress readers, as this is an action heavy read with several big impact shots to grab the attention of readers, from Aquaman's explosive arrival in the Eel's secret base, to the equally impressive display of power after the Eel manages to disable the power sapping device. I also have to say I was truly impressed by how well the art managed to display the extent of the Eel's new abilities, from the rain of icicles that take out the detectives, to the decidedly horrific visual where we see Aquaman's blood falls victim to the Eel's abilities. There's also a lovely visual image where we see Aquaman's microscopic army hovering in place before his face. My only quibble with the art on this issue is that the Eel's costume design was a bit generic, and lacked any real sense of imagination. Read Full Review

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