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Formerly Known As The Justice League #1

Writer: Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis Artist: Kevin Maguire Publisher: DC Comics Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
9.3Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jul 14, 2003

    Except for perhaps the JLA/Avengers crossover, this is the one project that left me giddy with joy when I heard about it, but I was also a bit nervous. I mean if this book hadn't lived up to the extremely high expectations I had gone into this issue with, I would have to cast a second look at the original run to see if perhaps it wasn't nearly as good as I remembered. However, this opening issue not only reaffirmed my belief that the originals were some of the best material to ever come out of DC, but also this book acts as a wonderful return several old friends. I mean I hadn't realized how poorly Blue Beetle had been handled by others, until this issue's exchange recaptured the magic that made the character into one of my all time favorites. This issue is full of humor that is sure to be approached by fans of the original, and the book also acts as a delightful return of these long neglected characters, who have spent the past decade, being ill used, or outright ignore. This book is Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Jul 4, 2003

    This book is the perfect template for any writer, artist, inker, letterer, or anyone trying to break into the business. The creative team is one of the most talented ever (re)assembled---this is reminiscent of days when comics were still be considered great, even if they weren't dark or controversial. I thoroughly enjoyed this Justice League, and so will you. It had me smiling, shaking my head, and oh, you have to love the scene between Max and Beatriz. That scene alone could go up on my refrigerator. I only wished the current JLA---heck, most comics in general, were this much fun. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Jul 5, 2003

    Formerly Known as the Justice League is not as funny as the issue where J'onn J'onnz becomes amused by Black Canary's reaction when she discovers that she missed the moment when Batman knocks out Guy Gardner with the quotable "one punch" and thus creates a plot thread that carries through most of the creators' run. The new book is not as funny as when Bea, Beetle and Booster Gold need to be rescued out of Bialya by Batman disguised as Maxwell Lord, but it is funny and far better than any team book that DC has not cancelled. Read Full Review

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