Hawkman #18

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 6, 2003 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 3
7.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

A special issue guest-illustrated by master draftsman Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez! Carter Hall journeys to Germany to pay tribute to a man who was very important to him over 200 years ago. Take a trip through the past with Carter as he's forced to confront elements about his previous lives!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy Aug 8, 2003

    This is a very good read. It is almost entirely character work, so action fans might feel left out, but Hawkman is a character that deserves some real attention. Im sure the action will be back. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 13, 2003

    A pretty solid look at one of the more engaging elements that Hawkman has in his corner, as the idea that the character has spent thousands of years being reincarnated makes for a pretty impressive canvas for Geoff Johns to play with, and while the past life we're introduced to is a fairly mundane example, the issue still does a solid job of presenting it to the readers. Plus, frankly it actually helps to humanize the character to know that Hawkman has lives past lives where he was an ordinary joe, who had next to no idea that he was simply one rung on a giant ladder. The issue also does a fair job of conveying the sadness, and sense of loss that Hawkman has to deal with, as it's nice that the book has realize that there are several downsides to continual reincarnation, especially if one remembers the lives that one had lived before your current one. This issue also features a welcome surprise on the art front, as Jos Luis Garcia-Lopez steps in to deliver a guest issue. Read Full Review

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