Justice Society of America #20

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Dale Eaglesham Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 5, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 2
5.4Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

It's the Justice Society of America vs. the Justice Society Infinity of Earth-2 with the fate of Power Girl at the center of it all!

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Nov 6, 2008

    Justice Society of America #20 was another strong read. Johns continues to impress with this title as Justice Society of America remains one of DC's best and most consistent titles on the market. If you enjoy incredibly complex plotlines along with quality character work then you should give Justice Society of America a try. This title is balanced enough in terms of action and drama that should make it appealing to a large percentage of comic book readers. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    IGN - Dan Phillips Nov 5, 2008

    But again, it's worth pointing out that I'm sure many admire this series' ambitious desire to incorporate as many storylines and characters as possible, even if it prevents Johns from progressing the storyline very much. Me? I'm tired of multiple Earths, allusions to Kingdom Come, vague connections to the 31st century, and whiney Kryptonian doppelgangers, and am way past ready to see just how Gog manages to screw with the JSAers. It's about time this series just cuts to the chase already. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Nov 10, 2008

    The JSA is one of my favorite titles from DC right now, and I'm really looking forward to the resolution of the Gog / Kingdom Come Superman story - but this just seemed like an unnecessary side trip along the way. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Nov 5, 2008

    The small character moments in this issue make up for the lackluster, cliched plot, although the two-page history of the multiverse by Starman stops the issue dead. The look on Mr. Terrific's face upon seeing his wife alive, the problems between Huntress and Robin, and both Power Girls' attempts to find out where they belong are just a few of the parts that make this comic better than its whole. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Erik Norris Nov 6, 2008

    But Justice Society of America #20 doesnt do everything wrong just like I mentioned before. The whole glimmer of greatness thing. What it does is provide us with some tasty nuggets about Starmans true mission, and the fallout of the JSAs struggle with the JSI leads to an interesting curveball in regards to Alan Scott and Mr. Terrific. But the truth is, Im just anxious for this sequel to Kingdom Come to wrap up so the series can move on. Its almost gotten to the point of this story is sullying Kingdom Come more than honoring it. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Nov 5, 2008

    While nothing glaring or overly wrong with the art or writing, this is just filler and side tracks the Gog story so they can have some oneshot specials and a minievent next month. Skip this and you won't even notice next month when the actual story continues. Read Full Review

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