Suicide Squad Most Wanted: Deadshot and Katana #1
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Suicide Squad Most Wanted: Deadshot and Katana #1

Writer: Mike Barr, Brian Buccellato Artist: Richard Friend, Viktor Bogdanovic Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 27, 2016 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 4
6.5Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

Two of the stars of next year's highly anticipated action movie break out in their own solo adventures in this extra-sized, 6-issue miniseries!

First, in a story by Brian Buccellato, Viktor Bogdanovic and Richard Friend, Deadshot is on the run, taking on a series of new contracts, and re-establishing himself as the world's most deadly marksman. But things are about to get complicated for Floyd Lawton when a figure from his past threatens to expose a dark secret...and Deadshot gets word of his next target: Lex Luthor!

Then, writer Mike W. Barr returns to the character he co-created in "Katana, Cult of the Kobra," with art more

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Jan 27, 2016

    Two stories that do well to entertain. One may be stronger than the other as Bloodshot is drawn very well with everything you want in a story, but Katana is a nice time too—just much more vapid. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Jan 28, 2016

    Despite the fact that I think Deadshot's half of the book was a much stronger offering, you really can't argue about essentially getting two comic books for a decent cover price of $4.99. With five issues remaining, it should be interesting to see where these characters will go next and help us countdown the months until the film's release. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    GWW - Casey Walsh Jan 27, 2016

    While I wasn't a huge fan of booth stories and preferred Deadshot's over Katana's I would still say this is not a bad place to start preparing for the Suicide Squad film. If anything you will certainly walk away with a better understanding of who these character's are and their place in the world. Here is hoping the next 5 issues have the same impact. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Gerry Green Jan 29, 2016

    This book is an obvious set up for the Suicide Squad Movie. It will be interesting to see how the stories progress and if other movie characters are integrated into the plots. Despite that, both stories are an enjoyable read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Jody Cardona Jan 27, 2016

    This comic borderlines on being a shameless cash-grab for the movie...yet still has enough good entertainment in it for you to take a look. Personally I enjoy the Deadshot story over the Katana story, but both look like they could turn out some cool action packed stories. The main downsides are Katana's lack of character and the bland nature of Deadshot's mission. Right now it walks the line of being good or bad, but if they can build on the story they have now with good character development, it'll be an entertaining Mini-series. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 27, 2016

    This Suicide Squad spinoff offers a decent showcase for the two characters. The Deadshot tale in particular offers plenty of action and character banter. Just don't expect much in the way of depth from either tale at this early stage. Hopefully that will change as the series unfolds. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Jan 29, 2016

    Will this book be a game changer for Deadshot? No. But that being said, it's a lot of fun, and a nice change of pace from what we've come to expect from this character. If you want a high energy books with a solid script and a lot of action, this is worth picking up! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jan 27, 2016

    "Suicide Squad Most Wanted: Deadshot and Katana" #1 delivers a lot of pages for a reasonable price -- it's essentially two full issues worth of comic -- but hopefully, future issues will pick up the energy level a bit. These aren't bad setups, but I feel like there's not quite enough of a hook to pick up the casual reader. If nothing else, though, it's nice to see Katana back after her disastrous series from a couple of years ago; that, alone, is reason to cheer. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Jan 27, 2016

    While this may be a Suicide Squad tie-in by name only (or at least the Katana part is), there is barely enough here to warrant a look see. While I liked the Deadshot story, the Katana one was weak and overall, there isn't anything here that screams "must buy". I'm not bailing yet, but if next month's issue isn't an improvement overall, I will. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Jan 27, 2016

    While this may be a Suicide Squad tie-in by name only (or at least the Katana part is), there is barely enough here to warrant a look see.  While I liked the Deadshot story, the Katana one was weak and overall, there isn't anything here that screams "must buy".  I'm not bailing yet, but if next month's issue isn't an improvement overall, I will. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Jake Baumgart Jan 28, 2016

    It's a shame when a single issue has to share two different stories that differ vastly in quality. Unfortunately, that's the case with Suicide Squad Most Wanted: Deadshot & Katana #1. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    ComiConverse - Sam McCoy Feb 2, 2016

    Bland villains and some confusing art at times make this first issue a disappointment. Read Full Review

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