Supergirl #1
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Supergirl #1

Writer: Jeph Loeb Artist: Ian Churchill Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 10, 2005 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 3
5.5Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Superstar writer Jeph Loeb and the red-hot art team of Ian Churchill & Norm Rapmund join forces to deliver a new monthly series spinning out of the sell-out run in SUPERMAN/BATMAN featuring the adventures of Superman's cousin from Krypton, the one and only Kara Zor-el! Kara's story begins with the same brand of high-flying adventure as she begins her whirlwind tour of the DCU! And the first hero she squares off against is Power Girl! Before this tale guest-starring the JSA is complete, secrets behind the origins of both will be revealed!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Tommy Vergason Aug 14, 2005

    This is not only a great first issue of what looks to be a promising new series, it also serves as a sort of bridge between past and future developments in the DC Universe as a whole. If you like what DC is doing these days, you will undoubtedly enjoy this book. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ariel Carmona Jr. Aug 14, 2005

    Now: For the re-launch, Jeph Loeb agreed with DC that the character of Supergirl should be reintroduced as Supermans cousin Kara Zor-El, but first they had to do some house cleaning and emphasize (as the cover to issue #1 declares) that there can be only one Supergirl so this initial story line deals with Kara continuing to try to figure out who she is, and why things didnt go as planned when her spaceship was set to follow her cousins prior to Kryptons explosion. I really liked the Michael Turner cover, but there are very few Turner covers I havent liked, so I wasnt surprised when I kept looking at it and marveling at the details. Churchill does a bang up job of rendering the new girl of steel and the individual members of the Justice Society. His artwork is definitely cut from the same cloth as Turners Superman/Batman, and thats not a bad template to work from. This fact alone merits the high bullet count in this review. The problem with this issue lies with the story, Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shaun Manning Aug 14, 2005

    For all its flaws, though, Supergirl #1 remains a fun read and reestablishes one of DCs premiere female characters. Although Linda Danvers, star of the previous Supergirl series, had her share of fans, the blue-skirted Girl of Steel is the iconic image and most likely to appeal to a wider audience. Now, though, the challenge will be appealing to that audience. Ultimately, new readers arent going to care about Power Girls drama, or how many voyeurs spied the nubile Supergirl in the buff; theyre going to want a good, self-contained story every month. With Loebs fondness for continuity and history, its unlikely that he will be able to reach the underrepresented audience most likely to pick up a Supergirl comicnamely, girls. Right now, this series serves fans of the DC pantheon, and serves them well. But theyve got enough comics to read. Since Jeph Loeb has just signed an exclusive contract with Marvel that will shortly take him off this title, perhaps his successor will rec Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - John Hays Aug 14, 2005

    Am I on for the duration? I dont know yet, too early to tell. Give me a chance to get through the initial string of guest appearances helping Kara find her place, and then Ill see where they decide to go from there. Plus, with Loeb signing an exclusive to Marvel, we know that hes only going to be on for so long, but, unless Im mistaken, we dont know who is going to replace him yet. In a time with most readers collecting too many titles as it is with all the Infinite Crisis tie-ins going on, is that the kind of start that inspires confidence for long term commitment? Only time, sales, and DC upper management can tell. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comics Bulletin - Olivia Woodward Aug 14, 2005

    As written by Loeb, Kara Zor-el is a bland and vacuous character. She is an empty vessel that plays upon fannish hopes and nostalgia. It is as if the reader is meant to like her just because shes a new edition of the real Supergirl. This is a crass commercial ploy that offends me. I want to like this title, but Im not going to let my fond memories blind me to the inadequacies of the narrative. This issue is bad, as was the whole introductory storyline in Batman/Superman. Poor Kara is victim of lousy storytelling-by-the-numbers, yet again. I dont recommend this issue. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Aug 14, 2005

    To my eyes, this is a big failure; nothing in this issue does anything to justify the existence of a distinct Supergirl title, and the general impression given is that DC simply decided there should be a Supergirl comic, without having any good ideas of how to make it worthwhile. Ive never really been a DC fan, and I really couldnt care less about Supergirl, but I did read a handful of issues from Peter Davids run on the previous version of the character, and they were a lot more interesting than this utterly pointless garbage. Read Full Review

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