The Brave and the Bold #92

Writer: Bob Haney Artist: Nick Cardy Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 28, 1970 Critic Reviews: 0
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While in England, Batman begins investigating incidents of murder on the set of a film telling the story of England's famous Scarlet Strangler. Enlisting the aid of the "Bat-Squad,"--Mick, Margo and the Major--the foursome searches the streets of London trying to find clues about the Strangler. Eventually, after a few encounters and mysteries leading the group to wonder if they traveled back to the Strangler’s time, they find the Strangler in an old wine cellar. Saving Margo, and learning that the Strangler is film actor Basil Coventry, Batman's fight with the killer is stopped when they break through the floor and Batman finds himself pinn more

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