Titans East Special #1
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Titans East Special #1

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Ian Churchill Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 14, 2007 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
5.6Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Nov 16, 2007

    Overall, this is a fantastic lead-in to Titans #1. This is one of Winicks best works in the past year or so and I honestly couldnt believe the same guy writing the quirky Green Arrow/Black Canary was writing an issue as strong as this. It reminded me of his Green Lantern days; strong storytelling with a clear theme that brings a plot full circle. I will definitely say that this issue was the sleeper hit of the week. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Nov 16, 2007

    Titans East #1 was an extremely unimpressive read. If you love carnage and seeing Titans getting slaughtered then this is most definitely an issue for you. Beyond those fans, I don't see why anyone else should spend their money on this issue. I know fans of the Wolfman Titans will be happy that the classic team is coming back with Titans #1. And I am happy to an extent. But, it must be remembers that it won't be Wolfman writing the stories, it will be Winick. So I don't expect this second go around to be anywhere near as good as the first. Read Full Review

  • 3.3
    IGN - Dan Phillips Nov 14, 2007

    Once again, DC has proven that they are not above the worst type of cliched, gimmicky and hackney attempts at sucking the blood out of past concepts and series. I can only hope this upcoming Titans East ongoing goes away as quickly as some of the other attempts at revitalizing a form of the original Wolfman/Perez team. Read Full Review

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