Voodoo #6

Writer: Joshua Williamson Artist: Sami Basri Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 22, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
6.6Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

Following the shocking events of last issue, Voodoo feels betrayed by her own people and wants to be left alone. Little does she know Agent Fallon and the Black Razors are looking for revenge but first they need to break another Daemonite Hybrid out of jail to help them track her down. The identity of that Daemonite Hybrid will leave you stunned!

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Sara 'Babs' Lima Feb 22, 2012

    You can definitely see how this book digressed from the original story being told, and it is quite different. There's some solid writing in this book and it's definitely still interesting, but it's very different. I am definitely interested in seeing whether Priscilla was a human or an alien, or if she has been operated on by the Daemonites. Williamson does a great job merging the outer space stuff with the earth based material, so it continues to feel grounded in reality. Once again, incredible pencils by Sami Basri -- really gorgeous. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Wildstorm Addiction - Joe David Soliz Feb 23, 2012

    Ultimately, I think this title has a strong pulse again. If you dropped this book you have got to come back and give it a try. Williamson's doing a great job of ramping up the action and the mystery here and if he keeps this pace up, things can only get better from here. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Heretical Jargon - Heretic Mar 6, 2012

    Voodoo is still on my pull list, but something's going to have to change for it to remain there. Fingers crossed. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Feb 22, 2012

    At this point, Sami Basri's artwork is the one remaining draw for the series. Basri continues to deliver plenty of clean lines, attractive figures, and dynamic action sequences. Sadly, there's quickly going to come a point where pretty visuals aren't enough. Read Full Review

  • 4.8
    Entertainment Fuse - Sean Elks Feb 24, 2012

    Voodoo was never one of my favorite series, but I did think it was a gem in the New 52 as one of the books genuinely trying to do something different and interesting. I really don't think it's trying to do that anymore. If the confusing clone revelation and push for more standard action rather than sex appeal and sci-fi intrigue is supposed to be what DC thinks will help this book, someone is very misguided in the DC offices. Anyone who still enjoys Voodoo should cherish every issue, because I'm betting there won't be too many more. Read Full Review

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