We Are Robin #11

Writer: Lee Bermejo Artist: Jorge Corona Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 27, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 4
8.6Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Gotham City may be a place of violence, but it is also a place of heroes. With Smiley and the Jokers trying to take away everything the Robins hold dear, now's the time for them demonstrate their value to their city-and to each other.

  • 9.5
    Black Nerd Problems - Omar Holmon May 4, 2016

    Aye, man. I dunno what to tell y'all. We're getting great character development and huge depth from these teens' backgrounds. If you don't believe that, then check out page one of this issue and see what family Dax comes from. THEY HAD THAT REVEALED IN THE FIRST PAGES! Shit is lit in We Are Robin. Believe it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Batman-News - Brandon Mulholand Apr 29, 2016

    Instead of using this comic as a platform to present meaningless entertainment, Bermejo admirably tackles some very serious real world issues that his target audience may very well someday face. While the subject matter does make us reflect on our own world, it also helps to cement the world of Batman. But this isn't just another book depicting larger than life heroes, this story takes the time to show us that ordinary people doing the right thing can be just as important as a man in a cape. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Apr 29, 2016

    Lee Bermejo takes real world terror and brings it to Gotham as he elevates these characters from simple teenagers to actual heroes in this issue.  Yeah, our Robins have seen some shit in their short time, but it's issues like this that really make this book work and make you believe that these characters could be sticking around Gotham for a long time and I really hope they do.  It's funny, the only real gripe I have for this issue is that this story arc would have lasted another issue because while this story is really enjoyable, it gets wrapped up rather quick. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerdophiles - Jackson Adams May 3, 2016

    We Are Robin #11 ends on a cliffhanger leading into the series' final issue but it's clear that the plot of the series has been mostly wrapped up. The real stakes going into the book's finale will be on what happens to these characters next and who they choose to be. It's a rare occasion where the emotional stakes are as high as any other and it's one I can't wait to see resolve. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Apr 29, 2016

    We Are Robin #11 is not a masterpiece. It is better described as strong or affecting than brilliant, but it just feels so complete, especially in a way that the series has often struggled with, as to warrant some celebration. The art is both better and worse than previous issues, but the storytelling and the story told. Just. Work. The writing is strong in a myriad of ways, from ideas, to dialogue, to themes. The plot is simple but it's wonderfully executed and captures the vitality and the horror of what being Robin means. For any shortcomings, it feels alive. Long story short, We Are Robin #11 is the issue this series was written for. Read Full Review

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