Honor #5
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Honor #5

Writer: Bill Jemas Artist: Novo Malgapo Publisher: Double Take Release Date: August 24, 2016 Cover Price: $2.5 Critic Reviews: 2
5.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Protect. Serve. Beat. Burn. Rinse. Repeat. If you get pulled over by these cops, get ready to hand over your License, Registration, and Death Certificate. No if's and's or but's; these cops have guts. The End...?

  • 6.0
    Comic Crusaders - Shane Tydeman Sep 18, 2016

    I get where this is going and being the story that involving police and action, I wished the art would propelthe action scenes a lot more and give the story more grit visually. Just like Medic, I can see something coming further more and hope to see the next chapter. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Aug 16, 2016

    I've got one more in me for this series, but I'm really hoping it finds its focus. It has an interesting cast, some of which isn't even mentioned here, but that's not enough to keep my interest when the rest of the imprint's books are hitting their stride. I said in other reviews that these fifth issues from Double Take feel like first issues. That's previously been a compliment, but here it's unfortunately not. This issue takes a huge step back from the progress it made in the past four and that's a damn shame. Read Full Review

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