Blasfamous (2024)

Blasfamous (2024)

Publisher: DSTLRY Release: Feb 2024 - Present Issues: 2 Critic Reviews: 5  User Reviews: 1
6.9 Avg. Critic Rating
9.0 Avg. User Rating

+ Pull List

From international superstar MIRKA ANDOLFO (SWEET PAPRIKA, MERCY, UNNATURAL, Harley Quinn, Punchline) comes a new horror comedy that only Andolfo can deliver-asking the question: how many fans is your soul worth?
In a world where pop stars have ascended to divinity, and the masses bow in veneration to a new generation of viral superstars-angels and demons thrive on this exaltation, and revel in this spotlight that grants them unimaginable power.
Clelia, the reigning queen of pop, finds her throne shaken by a newcomer radiating with enigmatic charm. As her fans waver and the public eye threatens to wander, Clelia and her demonic agent, more

User Ratings Critic Ratings
Rating Issue Writer Artist Reviews
#2 Mirka Andolfo Mirka Andolfo
#1 Mirka Andolfo Mirka Andolfo

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