Writer: Marc Gaffen, Kyle Mcvey Artist: Rod Rodolfo Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: November 20, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
5.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Look! Up in the Portland air... It's a bird, it's a plane, it's... a superhero?! When a teenage Wesen decides to use his abilities to become a real life superhero, Nick is forced into protecting the protector who finds himself in over his head.

  • 6.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Dec 27, 2013

    The art knocked this issue down quite a bit. This could have been a classic book but instead is a major visual misfire. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Front Towards Gamer - Lido Nov 27, 2013

    For a comic trying to either lampoon or at the very least take some kind of cue from the popular buzz surrounding superheroes Grimm 7 has very little in the way of new ideas or insights into its chosen targets. The comic's lead hero is dropped out of proceedings relatively quickly and barely has a total of 5 pages in the issue, his replacement though possessing the potential for a greater connection to the villains is never actually afforded it beyond the most basic and perfunctory level, the villains themselves are clichd and uninspired and between the two of them barely have any personality and the lead villain of the entire piece descends into gibbering insanity dialogue for no adequately explained reason. Combine all of these story problems with some subpar artwork and you get a disappointing experience to say the least and an undoubtedly bad one at that, not recommended. Read Full Review

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