Terminal Hero #6
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Terminal Hero #6

Writer: Peter Milligan Artist: Piotr Kowalski Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: February 18, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Last issue! Rory Fletcher has come face to face with the dangerous Mia and Minesh and now he must overcome the strange worlds that their awful drug-addicted powers create.  In this final issue of Terminal Hero an old enemy reappears, forcing Rory to face once again the hideous reality of the Tumour Kid.  Can Rory survive Mia and Minesh and escape the terrible Tumour monster?  Can he escape the death sentence that began this entire journey?   And after this final, bruising, shocking issue, will he be in any fit state to return to his adoptive family, waiting for him in California?

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Feb 18, 2015

    Terminal Hero started off in a way that was chaotic and crazy, but it had a lot of trademark Milligan moments that had me dive into it in a big way. As it progressed, it followed through on those moments and just got more surreal. But it also found itself in a place where it could go in only so many directions because of the level of darkness it had worked with and the fact that it was getting really, really hard to care about Rory – or anyone else – in the book. The conclusion here works well to bring everything to the proper point and obviously there's always room to sneak in some new material along the way, but Terminal Hero feels like it's reached a concluding point here where it's best left as is. Rory and what he went through was definitely engaging and had some surprising moments, but it also feels like it's a hard title to apply the word hero to. Read Full Review

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