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Grimjack: Killer Instinct #6

Writer: John Ostrander Artist: Timothy Truman Publisher: IDW Publishing Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
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  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 18, 2005

    The Timothy Truman cover for this issue is a fantastic piece of art, as that's a gorgeous backdrop, and Grimjack has never looked better. The interior art of this issue is pretty much one extended action sequence, and Timothy Truman is right at home in this environment, as the blood and gore splashes its way across the panels. Plus, if Conan fans needed any proof that they should start getting excited over Timothy Truman's upcoming work on that character, they only need to look at Grimjack's sword swinging action in this issue. There is also a very impressive level of detail on the page, from the horribly blistered face that Jo is sporting after Grimjack breaks out the holy water, to the cold effectiveness of that final page shot of Grimjack when he decides to accept his new lot in life. There is also a nice sense of urgency to the panel where the vampire discovers the man hiding behind the bar, and panel that follows is a great visual moment. Our first look at the transformed Jo Read Full Review

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