Half Past Danger #1
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Half Past Danger #1

Writer: Stephen Mooney Artist: Stephen Mooney Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: May 22, 2013 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 2
8.1Critic Rating
4.8User Rating

DAMES. DINOSAURS. DANGER. Summer, 1943, and in the midst of a war waged by monsters, Staff Sergeant Tommy 'Irish' Flynn never expected to encounter a real one. But on a remote island in the South Pacific, Flynn and his squad come face-to-fanged-face with creatures long thought dead.

  • 10
    ComicBuzz - David O'Leary May 1, 2013

    Well the time for talk is over and the book is just about here. I was lucky enough to get my hands on the first issue ahead of time and I got to say, just wait until you get your hands on this one folks, its going to rock. Half Past Danger #1 of 6 hits stores on May 22nd and issues will boats covers from Mooney, Declan Shalvey, Lee Bermejo, Tommy Lee Edwards and more. Mooney put all the effort into this series taking on writing, art, lettering and colouring which is such a rarity in comics these days so you can how much it was a labour of love for him. Well worth picking up. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Therapy - Cody "The Thorverine" Ferrell May 22, 2013

    Half Past Danger is all the way past amazing. Mooney knocks it out of the park with his first writing effort. The story is good and sets things up well, but the art sets it over the top. This series definitely has my attention and it should have yours as well. 5/5Follow @comicbtherapy Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Following The Nerd - Ciaran Flanagan Apr 24, 2013

    If you're one of the spandex set (you know, the type who turns their nose up at anything that doesn't feature some buxom spandex-clad wench in poses that defy not only what is anatomically possible but also the bounds of good taste) you might want to look elsewhere. However, if you long for the days of Pat Mills' Flesh in 2000AD, or repeats of King of The Rocket Men during the summer holidays, your ship has come in . Half Past Danger will hit comic shops on May 22nd. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Matt Allegretti May 22, 2013

    The first issue of Half Past Danger is a total triumph of imagination, with great design, stunning art, and so much potential. IDW has struck gold with this miniseries. One of the most exciting debut issues of the year. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Ashley Olien May 22, 2013

    This isn't the type of story that I would normally pick up, but it's definitely got its charms and I think it would be very well received by its intended audience. Even though it isn't something I would typically choose for myself, I'm curious to see what happens next and would keep reading the series. Overall, Ienjoyed it and would recommend giving it a try. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall May 22, 2013

    I'll definitely be back, hopefully the action will pick up & we'll get spies, ninja, more dinosaurs, nazis, and all kinds of crazy action. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Multiversity Comics - Michelle White May 23, 2013

    Overall this is a solid issue with a strong, simple hook, and just a couple of hiccups in the visual storytelling that don't detract too much from the excellence of the action scenes. If you're a fan of pulp-inspired adventure with some scales and fangs on, “Half Past Danger” should definitely be your cup of tea. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin May 26, 2013

    If you're into war comics, dinosaurs, and fisticuffs, there's a lot to like in Half Past Danger #1, but if you'd like a bit more in the way of story to go along with that, you might come away from the issue feeling a little underwhelmed, left instead with the promise of more in the issues to come. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Nick Hanover May 28, 2013

    Mooney's saving grace is his art, which is an intriguing mix of vintage and modern, with character designs that recall Tony Harris' work on Ex Machina mingling with the kind of toothsome dinosaurs you'd see from someone like Ross Andru. Hopefully future issues will give him more room to stretch out because the debut is still a little cramped, as it features a lot of set-up, especially towards the back end as Flynn is drinking away the horrors in a pub that has a distinct lack of dinosaurs. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Johnnie JungleGuts May 23, 2013

    The debut issue of this WW2 sci-fi adventure comic has good pacing, fairly solid pencil work, and a lot of dinosaurs. It also sets us up with an archetypal team of spies ( the strong man, the vixen, the karate guy, the dude who knows something) who will inevitably serve as the protagonists of this series. Unfortunately, nothing feels very new here. About halfway through I had to look up if this was a spin-off of Cadillacs and Dinosaurs or the Lost World. And the female character looks an awful lot like Fatale. Let’s hope writer and artist Stephen Mooney is just setting up the pins so he can knock them down in the next couple of outings.

  • 3.0
    Sofai Jun 14, 2013

    This issue is full of scenes that go on and on for far too many pages. There also happens to be almost no plot to the entire issue, with most of the conversations centering on things that won't be relevant in the coming issues. The writer seems to think that being vague and mysterious is what qualifies as a plot. The art is hit and miss throughout the issue. It seems as if Stephen Mooney didn't have enough time to both write and draw the issue and just decided to have a lot of pages with little to no dialogue. A big disappointment.

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