Judge Dredd: Toxic #2

Writer: Paul Jenkins Artist: Marco Castiello Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: November 21, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
9.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

  Acclaimed British writer Paul Jenkins takes his first shot at Judge Dredd! The death of a genetically modified waste worker has sparked anti-immigration fervor, leading to toxic sludge and widespread panic spilling into the streets of Mega-City One.

Cutting satire and gritty action from writer Paul Jenkins (Hellblazer, The Inhumans) and artist Marco Castiello (Star Wars)!
Covers by Jenkins' Peter Parker: Spider-Man teammate Mark Buckingham (Fables, Marvelman)!
Painted variant covers by concept artist John Gallagher (The Flash, Supergirl)!

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Corps - Tom Zimm Nov 21, 2018

    The story presents a unique approach to Judge Dredd who has traditionally presented a stoic and rigid ideal: Judge Dredd serves the law. When the law fails to protect people Judge Dredd must decide if he will remain true to the law or protect people. I highly recommend this book to fans of Judge Dredd and the science fiction genre. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Gizmo Nov 25, 2018

    I'm liking Judge Scammon, he's an uptight judge like too and has good chemistry with Dredd. I love how the old droids step up to do their duty in the face of assured destruction. This feels like authentic 2000AD Dredd, which can't be said about most of IDW's Dredd releases.

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