My Little Pony: Friends Forever #14

Writer: Jeremy Whitley Artist: Agnes Garbowska Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: March 4, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4
8.6Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

When a dragon problem in Fillydelphia threatens to get out of hand, Luna enlists Spike's help to find a peaceful solution. There are many suspects and no easy answers as both Spike and Luna must admit to personal shortcomings in order to find the true culprit.

  • 9.5
    Unleash The Fanboy - Daniel Alvarez Mar 6, 2015

    Overall, a great issue of Friends Forever. The buddy cop style works with MLP, hopefully it'll be used again in the future. The mystery of who's making the fires will keep you engaged from beginning to end. Even if there wasn't a mystery, the dialogue between Luna and Spike is worth the price of admission alone. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Geeked Out Nation - Kate Coenen Mar 7, 2015

    My Little Pony: Friends Forever #14 presents all the elements that readers have come to love in the My Little Pony comics"a heartfelt story, wonderful characters, whimsical humor, and in-jokes galore. It's a story that all ages can appreciate and share, and the story's themes can inspire some valuable conversations with young readers. Spike's example shows that even one little dragon can make a difference by standing up for what's right. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    We The Nerdy - Chad Waller Mar 3, 2015

    Aside from an overall solid story, MLP:FiM:FF #14 also introduces quite a nice cast of characters, and I hope a few return. By the Books and Hard Case are the two main police ponies, and they embody the roles of good cop/bad cop to a comical level. Mina, a pink dragon, rounds out our cast as the owner of a comic book shop. Shes fond of shipping reformed villains together, and in general, is a highlight. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    ComicBuzz - Vixen Ninetails Jun 8, 2015

    The artwork isn't great to be fair, with some panels even missing backgrounds. The characters anatomy is even un-proportioned in places, but the basic drawings actually give this comic some bit of charm and it lets us focus more on the story. This is a really good comic for any age group, a great thing seeing as how varied the MLP fan base is. Read Full Review

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