Rogue Trooper #2

Writer: Brian Ruckley Artist: Alberto Ponticelli Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: April 2, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4
6.6Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The legend begins! Genetically engineered to wage war on a poisoned planet, the G.I.s were wiped out during their first deployment against the Norts. But one lone soldier survived the Quartz Zone Massacre, and his Souther creators want him back... dead or alive! IDW is proud to re-introduce Rogue Trooper in this all-new series!

  • 8.5
    Unleash The Fanboy - Edward Apr 1, 2014

    All in all, it's a very solid product and shows plenty of hope for the series ahead. It keeps to all the hall marks that make Rogue Trooper great, but it always makes sure to be interesting and gripping at all times. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - James Anders II Apr 2, 2014

    Though I wasn't as blown away with this issue as I was the with the first, Ruckley and Ponticelli still managed to maintain a strong story and a strong character for a classic 2000 AD icon. This issue is definitely worth the price for admission and the future looks quite promising for the reader in regard to future issues. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Peter Schmeiser Apr 2, 2014

    I do have some reservations that hold me back from evangelizing the book. Im still not sold on Alberto Ponticellis artwork for this book. The dark coloring, over inked, and simple illustrations just don't help accentuate Rogue Troopers uniqueness. The books art makes the story a chore to read, and make it easy to dismiss. Brian Buckley is attempting to tell a new story, but the artwork doesnt bring anything but pedestrian illustration to the table. The story isn't wildly innovative, and frankly predictable. The military hasnt changed in thousands of years of military history, and the same trials and triumphs are going to be told in the future. How you present that future is up to both Buckley and Ponticelli, and right now it doesn't feel that unique. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Apr 2, 2014

    No, very skippable issue. There isn't anything added from a character standpoint and the big bad is flat and boring. Here's to hoping things turn around when Rogue has to fight robot dogs. Read Full Review

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