Transformers: Regeneration One #93

Writer: Simon Furman Artist: Guido Guidi Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: July 17, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3
8.0Critic Rating
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BATTLETIDE! Opposing factions and forces meet head on, as the battle for Cybertron (and indeed the future) begins in earnest. BLUDGEON, SOUNDWAVE, GALVATRON, STARSCREAM, and-caught in the middle-the Autobots, most crucially their greatest warrior ULTRA MAGNUS! And HOT ROD meets his maker. Literally.

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jul 23, 2013

    There's a lot going on in this issue including several characters reverting to form as, despite the last-minute betrayal, Galvatron has finally made it back home. We also get cameoes from Optimus Prime, Prowl, Kup, the Aerialbots, and Ultra Magnus. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geekality - Worm VonChaos Jul 17, 2013

    Continuing on the Destiny arc, I have found myself a little lost at points. There is just so much going on it is easy to lose your place. As Bludgeon and his crew attack the Autobots, they also turn their guns on Galvatron sending him into battle alone. Also the Autobots, led by Hot Rod are at the core of the planet uncovering their history. This issue we get the return of Guido Guidi whose art style fits this series so well with the classic character designs with hints of grittiness. The story is good you just need to pay a lot of attention so you can follow easier. This is a darker title for the franchise with makes it a top monthly reader for me. Ive always said, the darker the story the better for Transformers. With all the Transformers 4 hype beginning get your fix here with all the IDW Publishing Transformers titles! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Daniel Alvarez Jul 17, 2013

    Daniel's favorite Transformer is Soundwave and you can follow him on Twitter: @Destroyer_199 Read Full Review

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