Alpha Flight #1
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Alpha Flight #1

Writer: Scott Lobdell Artist: Clayton Henry Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Bigger than Avril Lavigne! More exciting than National Hockey Night! Scott Lobdell returns to the X-Men Universe and heads north of the border for the surprising premiere of an ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT ALPHA FLIGHT! The Canadian superteam returns in a shocking new series that will be the talk of Saskatchewan! Featuring the debut of new heroes and the return of several old favorites!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 9, 2004

    This book's not off to the impressive start I would hoped for, as Scott Lobdell does little more than give us a rough introduction to the characters that will presumably make up the book's cast. Now, the issue ends by leaving us with a somewhat engaging mystery of how these characters are going to get together, as this issue manages to put an amusing spin on the gathering of the heroes plot by having all the characters flatly refuse toSasquatch's offer to join his new team. However, the old Alpha Flight fan in me is disappointed to see the cast looks to be made up almost entirely by new characters, and while Major Mapleleaf, and Princeton look like they could be promising characters, I have to say I would preferred to see at least a couple additional members from the original team, as frankly it doesn't feel like Alpha Flight without Puck. I'm also a bit concerned by the humor elements of this book, as while there are a couple funny scenes, there's a few too many moments where the book Read Full Review

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