Alpha Flight #7

Writer: Scott Lobdell Artist: Dave Ross Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

WAXING POETIC PART 1 Is the All-New, All-Different Alpha Flight really disbanding after only seven issues? Not if the rest of the Marvel Universe has anything to say about it! Guest-starring - everybody!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 7, 2004

    Dave Ross has never been one of my favourite artists, as his work has a rough, unfinished quality to it, but I will concede he is able to deliver the story in a clear manner, with a good eye when it comes to the delivery of the big impact moments of the issue (e.g. the guest-appearance by the various Marvel heroes). The art also manages to offer up a couple solid establishing shots, as Yukon Jack's hidden kingdom made for an impressive visual, and the rundown quality of Centennial's old hometown was nicely conveyed. However, for the most part the flat expressions of the characters, and stiff posing kept me from being overly impressed with this issue's art. I did like the cover visual though, as the effect of the wind is nicely reflected by the art, and it's a wonderfully moody shot of the character. Read Full Review

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