Amazing Spider-Man #552

Writer: Bob Gale Artist: Phil Jimenez Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 5, 2008 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 7
7.1Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

BRAND NEW DAY continues with two new web-slingin' creators: Oscar-nominated screenwriter Bob (Back to the Future) Gale and artist extraordinaire Phil (NEW X-MEN, Infinite Crisis) Jimenez! What starts as a petty theft from a local Soup Kitchen turns into a chase that results in the birth of a brand-freaking-new Spidey villain - and we mean "Freak" literally! Plus: more JJJ! More Daily Bugle - oops, we mean DB! Repercussions from the actions of new villain, Menace! Curt Connors! And - what you've really been waiting for, true believer - Peter Parker does his own laundry! Will those stains come out? And what ARE those stains anyway? Find out in more

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Mar 5, 2008

    Feeling more like a double-sized issue, this book goes touches on just about every subplot that's part of the Brand New Day storyline. Peter's supporting cast is back in full force and it's great to see him interacting with his circle of friends. I'm really interested to see where this whole thing with Carly goes! This issue's not as funny, but it's a good read. Gale and Jimenez have created a dense book that'll keep your eyes occupied for a long time. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    IGN - Bryan Joel Mar 5, 2008

    As each writer takes his turn with Spidey, I'm slowly figuring out which creators to anticipate and which to dread. Judging by this issue, Gale falls into the latter category. I'm afraid this isn't going to be a banner month for ol' Web-Head. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Mar 7, 2008

    My average score is as much a reflection of my reaction to the entire 'Brand New Day' relaunch as this particular issue. I'm sure I'm not alone in wondering what has happened to all of the great elements that had been promised for this relaunch: the supporting cast isn't being used particularly well (new characters continue to be introduced, but I'm not really getting a strong sense of any of them), Peter's character has barely changed as a result of his newly-retconned marital status, and all three of the new villains have failed to capture the imagination. I'd be hard pushed to choose my favourite of Mr. Negative, Menace, and the Amazing Vomit-Man, because I can only just remember the names of the first two, let alone any details about their characters. All in all, it feels like a step backwards for the book. I wouldn't mind if writers were using the book's new status quo to tell good stories, but these last couple of months' worth of stories haven't felt any better than the last cou Read Full Review

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