Annihilation: Nova #1
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Annihilation: Nova #1

Event\Storyline: Annihilation Writer: Keith Giffen Artist: Kev Walker Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 19, 2006 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 6
7.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Beaten and nearly dead, Nova prepares to go back into battle! Can he cope with the awful burden of Xandar's legacy? Can he carry a warning to friendly space? Can he stay alive for another five minutes with the murdering hosts of the Annihilation Wave closing in?

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Murray May 8, 2006

    Negatively, the dialogue between Nova and the Worldmind wasnt as tight as it could have been. Yes, I know that this is dialogue between man and machine, but since this is the meat of Issue #1, I have to address it! Abnett and Lanning were looking to fit a little of the tongue-in-cheek in the conversations between a human and an utterly rational construct of immense power. Yet, a lot of the potential humor falls flat. When Richard mockingly refers to the Worldmind as "Dad" and it responds, "You referred to me as Dad. Why?," I verbally groaned. He already said that the Worldmind sounded like his father. For an entity of unbelievable intelligence and rationality, shouldnt he have figured out that this was sarcasm, which Richard wields liberally throughout this entire issue? Now that thats off my chest, theres also the disturbing similarities to stories I have read in Green Lantern. Is Richard Rider a mixture of Kyle Rayner and Hal Jordan? Seems that way to me, but maybe its Read Full Review

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