Black Panther #62
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Black Panther #62

Writer: Christopher Priest Artist: Jim Calafiore Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
6.5Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Max Anthony has been rescued, and the Black Panther has won the day! But this victory is followed by a bittersweet declaration - T'Challa has decided to become the Black Panther once more!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jul 31, 2003

    The final issue is about as good as one could expect given it basically states that T'Challa was the one pulling most of the strings, and all the hurdles that Kasper Cole has run up against recently are all part of a test that T'Challa created to test his heroic nature. Now speaking as a fan who has been with this book from the start, I have to say I'm sad to see it go, as it was one of the few titles that was consistently challenging the reader's intelligence, and was able to continually surprise me with how well it's highly complex plots fit together. Christopher Priest is a wonderful writer whose work I'll make an active effort to track down, and I truly hope the writer lined up to follow Geoff Johns on the Avengers keeps the Black Panther in the group, as this series has made the character into an engaging character, and made him highly deserving of a more prominent role in the Marvel Universe. This final issue is also highly rewarding for long time fans, as several supporting play Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Jul 25, 2003

    So there you have it, the end of Black Panther, Volume 2. As stated in the back of the book, the adventures of (the original) Black Panther continue in the Avengers, and the adventures of White Tiger continue in The Crew. Read Full Review

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