Defenders #2

Writer: Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis Artist: Kevin Maguire Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
7.5Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

The Hulk is besieged by the Mindless Ones, while Doctor Strange and Prince Namor are utterly defeated by Dormammu! Meanwhile, Umar walks around talking to herself...while the Silver Surfer...uh...hangs out on the beach...? Yes, it's action, adventure and idiocy as only Eisner-winners Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis and Kevin Maguire can deliver it! 

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 25, 2005

    Kevin Maguire's art presents a few curious moment: for example, when the Hulk is overwhelmed by the Mindless Ones, he has such a strange facial expression that I wondered just where they were grabbing him. However, Maguire is on his game most of the time, projecting emotion from Dormammu even though his head is encased in flames, and the personalities of the characters come through via their body language rather than relying purely on their words. The cover does go overboard when it comes to the veins in the Hulk's neck though. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Bailey Sep 1, 2005

    Final Thoughts: As great as this series is and as much as I am enjoying it, I am kind of glad it is only a limited series. The writing and art are great, and I am enjoying the story, but like their two Justice League reunion stories I dont think it can sustain an ongoing series. While they are around, though, I am going to buy and most likely enjoy this book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Aug 20, 2005

    If so funny, if so artistically pleasing, why the lack of a perfect score? Editorial interference. Umar The Depraved was clearly naked in the original pencils. She now sports a badly drawn black string bikini. It's not that you could see anything in Kevin Maguire's original pencils. The bath water hid most of her form's naughty bits save for possibly the cleave of the buttocks, and she also pulls a hands-on-boobs move, but none of this makes sense if she's wearing a bikini. How many people take baths in bikinis? Why does a woman cover her breasts when they're already covered? Truly this is one of the most egregious attempts to downgrade the rating of a book I've seen. Given Umar's characterization, this censorship is especially damaging. The woman's as horny as a crash of rhinos, and in the story, she collects the Hulk as her intended sex toy. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - John Hays Aug 19, 2005

    I was considering 1BULLET here, but Kevin Maguires art is top notch as always, and the cover is entertaining, so I added a second bullet. I cant believe I just wrote a mostly negative review for some of my favorite writers, and I sincerely hope that this issue is a deviation from the rest of the mini series and that the boys can get back into their groove with the next issue. As others have mentioned online, Id love for these guys to get their hands on the original Avengers: dumb Hulk, yellow Iron Man, Ant Man, Wasp, and Thor. Now THAT would be rich material for some BWAHAHA! Read Full Review

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