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Gravity #3

Writer: Sean McKeever Artist: Mike Norton Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
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  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 23, 2005

    Sometimes I am a little disappointed by the open quality of the backgrounds, and the book pulls the blank void backdrop trick a little too often, but Mark Norton does a lovely job when it comes to presenting the various emotional reactions of our young lead. There's a lovely scene in this issue where Greg vents his frustration out on a nearby garbage bin, and a quiet moment where he spends the entire night lost in thought. I also enjoyed the sheer delight that is reflected on Greg's face as he gets his first look at Spider-Man. On the downside, the establishing shot of Lauren's dorm room looks like a half dressed set, and if not for the wall of postcards there would be no real clue about her personality. This miniseries is all about selling the highs and low points of a new hero, and the art does an effective job of selling the various emotional reactions of Greg, so I can't get too caught up when it comes to the rather simplistic quality of the art. Read Full Review

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