Guardians of the Galaxy #8

Writer: Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning Artist: Brad Walker Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 31, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 5
8.2Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

WAR OF KINGS lead-in!
All hail Blastaar, King of the Negative Zone! As Rocket Raccoon attempts to pull a new team of Guardians together, the big question is... what the d'ast happened to Star-Lord? Prepare for major curve balls and hi-octane action as Star-Lord squares off against the new warlord ruler of the Negative Zone....Blastaar! Just what is this feared FF foe planning to do with a certain high tech
prison full of some of the Marvel Universe's worst super-offenders? And how does  this all lead to War of Kings? Find out in the series that calls "a rip-roaring, side-splitting romp of a book that shouldn't be missed."

  • 8.4
    IGN - Daniel Crown Jan 3, 2009

    While part of me wishes that Guardians were a tad more accessible, it's hard to deny Abnett and Lanning haven't created one of the better epics of the past year. They have a plethora of tools at their disposal and could easily have turned this into a quick-hitting one and done adventure vehicle, yet they chose a much more admirable approach requiring long-range planning. It's hard to recommend this series without also encouraging a requisite catching up on material, but for those of you willing, it's still plenty early enough to merit the effort. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Kyle Posluszny Jan 7, 2009

    High marks all around for the first GotG tie-in for the War of Kings, especially considering how I initially approached the issue with quite a bit of hesitation. Now, in addition to looking forward to more of the usual Guardians goodness, I find myself more interested in the cosmic War than I had ever thought possible. Not sure if my wallet is particularly happy about that fact… Read Full Review

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