Human Torch #8

Writer: Karl Kesel Artist: Joe Dodd Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
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  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jan 5, 2004

    The one nice thing about this series is that it is remaining quite faithful to the established personality that Johnny Storm has been given over the years, as his first impulse seems to be to rush forward into danger with little thought to a back-up plan, or even an effort to examine the problem before he attempts to tackle it. This arc also does a pretty fair job of selling the idea that Johnny is the type of personality that jumps when an authority figure tells him not to, though in an rather uncharacteristic moment we see Johnny does back down when he discovers that guards have been set up to keep him from leaving the complex. Still, the issue does have some fun with the idea that the first thing Johnny does when he discovers one of his captors is a woman is to turn on the charm, as it's always fun to watch Johnny pulling his act on a woman who is clearly unreceptive. The "big" reveal when it comes to the villain's plan is also nicely handled, as I must confess I didn't catch on unt Read Full Review

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