Incredible Hulk #92

Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Carlo Pagulayan Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 8, 2006 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 12
7.0Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

Savage alien planet. Oppressed barbarian tribes. Corrupt emperor. Deadly woman warrior. Gladiators and slaves. Battle axes and hand blasters. Monsters and heroes...And the Incredible Hulk! Let the smashing commence! PLANET HULK BEGINS!!!

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Bailey Feb 5, 2006

    In The End: I have high hopes for Planet Hulk. This may not be a wise idea since it sets me up for a fall, but between the art and Greg Pak's writing I think this will end up being one of the all-time classic Hulk storylines. The scope is huge, and the contents are living up to that. Greg Pak designed the world the Hulk landed on to be just enough of a threat to make things interesting but still added some wanton destruction to give the reader a little bit of that old Hulk smash! I have a feeling that the story is going to take a number of turns as it progresses but for right now this is a fun Hulk story presenting a good bit of violence without being gratuitous. The Hulk is a hard character to write and has gone through a lot in the past years. Greg Pak seems confident in the story so the rest should just fall into place. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dominic Davies Feb 5, 2006

    What we have at the moment is the setting being set for a fantastic tale of violence, liberation and pure Hulkdom. The fact that while being captivated by the terrific action we are also learning about a brand new world gives great credit to Pak's writing. My one caveat is the storys lack of Bruce, but I have not picked up a Hulk comic for almost a year now, so its very possible that I have missed something important in that time. If I was looking for a reason to start picking up Hulk again (and I am, who isnt?) I would consider this a unique opportunity to get back into it. You should too. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Adam Volk Feb 5, 2006

    Incredible Hulk #92 isnt the most innovative or intelligent comic youre likely to read this year. What it is, however, is a good old fashioned Science Fiction yarn, with plenty of action and over the top adventure. Pak isnt trying to create a brooding, misunderstood character here, hes simply taking a massive, angry, green-skinned monster and turning him loose. So while the story may be somewhat flat in terms of story and character development, theres no denying that Pak and Pagulayan have created an issue thats just plain fun. Because in the end, hearing Hulk Smash! is just plain cool, no matter what alien dialect its translated into. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Feb 5, 2006

    In short, this isnt a bad comic, but its less than we expect. Hopefully, future issues will deliver on the promise given by the creators talents and that first page. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Judson Miers Feb 5, 2006

    Overall, the artwork was solid (not spectacular), the dialogue and alien life forms/people/machines/etc. plausibly alien, and even though you know where this is headed, the rides fairly enjoyable. Besides, doesnt everyone like to see the Hulk get the @#$% beaten out of him once in awhile Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Feb 5, 2006

    Dont get me wrong; this is a competent and solid issue. But when Marvel are telling us again and again that this is the opening chapter of one of their big story events, I tend to feel that they should be aiming higher than competent and solid. Perhaps if Marvel and Pak spent less time promoting the story, and more time polishing it, theyd have a more impressive end product. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Feb 5, 2006

    Im not sure if any elements of the plot are really strong enough to warrant Planet Hulk being billed as the next big Marvel event, and despite the more simplistic action-based storytelling potential that the arc may possess (as well as the possible future crossover into Marvels upcoming cosmic Annihilation event), this issue doesnt really grab my attention enough to make me want to follow it up with the next. Although theres undeniably some shallow entertainment to be had from the Hulk duking it out with some imaginative and colourful monsters and if youre a fan of the characters destructive side, youll no doubt enjoy some of the hyperbolic action on show here theres very little beneath the surface to make this book worth picking up. Read Full Review

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