Peter Parker, Spider-Man #55

Writer: Zeb Wells Artist: Khary Randolph Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 2
6.0Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

A total game-changer! Rocket Racer throws his fight with Spider-Man!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell May 12, 2003

    An issue that's a lot of fun and while there are times when the material is almost trying too hard to generate laughs, I have to say that there are several truly funny moments, and the story holds up pretty well. The way that Spider-Man deals with the villains who have been orchestrating these fights is pretty clever, as it's a rather simple twist that I must confess I hadn't really considered going in. Then again it's not often that you see a hero deliberately allow themselves to get beaten up, so if nothing else this solution earns marks for originality. The issue also makes pretty good use of Reed Richards, who puts in a fairly amusing cameo appearance, and while my preference would've been the Big Wheel, the Rocket Racer is a lame duck character who nicely fit the needs of the story, and how can one not love his new costume design. His less than dramatic exit was also rather cute, and Peter's attempt to play a street wise thug was also quite entertaining. Read Full Review

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