Runaways #3

Writer: Terry Moore Artist: Humberto Ramos Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 22, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2
7.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The Runaways are more scattered than ever! Barely surviving an attack by some of the few remaining members of Karolina's alien race, the Runaways need to pull it together to be ready for the alien warriors when they get back. But it's looking bleak!

  • 7.5
    IGN - Daniel Crown Oct 22, 2008

    There is no doubt that the Runaways franchise holds a transcending sort of power. The initial third volume story might not be anywhere near as endearing as Vaughan's originals, but it still maintains a refreshing amount of relatability for a comparably disregarded segment of the industry's patronage. It's for this reason, that even despite its flaws, Moore's Runaways still holds a substantial amount of value. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Oct 24, 2008

    For some reason Humberto Ramos grossly exaggerated cartoonish style did not annoy me as much this issue as the previous two. Perhaps Ive just come to accept it and merely see the art for what its trying to convey instead of how it convey it. Its funny, for one of the jokes involving some physical humour, its Moore who makes the joke fall flat instead of Ramos. Ramos makes a scene with the humour understated and in the background but still very visible and it is Moores writing that clogs up and draws too much attention to whats supposed to be funny. Its disappointingly American in its humour style. Not to take away from American humour, but sometimes subtlety works wonders for laughs and this is a prime example of how it was ruined. Read Full Review

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