Spectacular Spider-Man #23

Writer: Samm Barnes Artist: Scot Eaton Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 3
6.0Critic Rating
5.8User Rating

Spinning directly out of the events of "Sins Past" in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, Spider-Man and Sarah, the daughter of Gwen Stacy and the web-slinger's greatest enemy, embark on a journey of discovery!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jan 21, 2005

    Scot Eaton dropped off my radar after his abrupt departure from "Thor" but I'm glad to see him make a return to a title that I pick up, as he turns in some solid work, and if nothing else he does a pretty effective job of matching his style to Mike Deodato's work over on "Amazing Spider-Man" which acts as a nice bridge between the two related stories. The art also does a nice job of playing up the visual comedy as Spider-Man tries a bit of webslinging in the City of Lights, with the image of Spider-Man that is shown of the television being particularly amusing. The only real complaint that I would make about the art is that in the effort to play up the idea that Sarah looks just like Gwen the character is sporting a dated hairstyle, that looks downright strange when everyone else is sporting a modern day look. We also get a lovely cover from Greg Land, which is always a welcome bonus. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Ultimate Goblin Dec 11, 2021

    For now it's worse, than sins past. Writing is weaker and the story itself seems to be pointless. But maybe it'll be better in next issues.

  • 5.0
    Mout Aug 25, 2021

    oh yes just what spidey needed a soft porn story

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 6.5
    Julhin Mar 7, 2021

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