Steve Rogers: Super Soldier #1
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Steve Rogers: Super Soldier #1

Writer: Ed Brubaker Artist: Dale Eaglesham Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 7, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 6
7.9Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

  • 9.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jul 8, 2010

    Fans have been wondering what Brubaker has in store for Rogers now that he's passed the mantel of Captain America over to his former protg. The first issue of Steve Rogers: Super Soldier proves there's plenty of great stories to be told around the character even if he's no longer wearing his iconic costume. The only real problem I have with the issue is that its back-up, a reprinting of Joe Simon and Jack Kirby's first Captain America story, does little if anything to justify the issue's $3.99 cover price. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Samuel Salama Cohn Aug 6, 2010

    Other highlights of the issue that deserve a mention here are the awesome Pacheco cover, capturing both past and present Captain America incarnations, and a back-up with a reprint of Captain Americas origin, by Joe Simon and the great Jack Kirby. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jul 13, 2010

    I was sorry to see Dale Eaglesham leave the Fantastic Four, but he's doing excellent work here. His art includes lots of detail, strong action scenes and some good character bits. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Jul 25, 2010

    Why have only one Captain America series when you can have two? Steve Rogers is chasing the grandson of the man who created the serum that transformed him into Captain America. He wants to sell the serum to the highest bidder and Rogers is here to stop that. But the chase ends quickly as another villain enters the fray. First Eaglesham is a great artist and perfect for this series. He gives majesty to his characters. His characters always remind me of guys like Lou Fine. He really worked at distinguishing every character. I was expecting all the men to be big brutes. He tends to draw a lot of them. They werent. The story was good, although it conflicts with recent developments in the former Avengers the Initiative series where another Erskine grandson was featured. The story is a classic spy story with the casino shots. Its interesting so far, but its hard to justify another series on this character when he already shows up in Secret Avengers and practically every Avengers book around. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Zack Freeman Jul 8, 2010

    This issue ends with a good noirish cliffhanger that's definitely got me hooked. I'm curious to see some answers to the mysteries laid out here about the new serum and the (possible) return of X-13. Steve's new role as this maskless "super soldier" is something I've more interested in than his inevitable "return to the cowl" - - I'm looking forward to seeing where Brubbaker takes this new context. I was also glad that Marvel included a reprint of Cap's origin, because it was definitely eye-opening to finally read the simple six-pager that's spawned so many retcons and retellings. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Jul 11, 2010

    Other than that, it's an enjoyable, fast-paced read and one that seems to embody the spirit of the Heroic Age. It's hard to articulate just how good it is to read a series starring an Avenger that doesn't even mention Norman Osborn, or Skrulls, or the SHRA. In all honesty, it feels like a bit of a novelty as a result. Whether read as a complement to the existing Avengers titles, or as a stand-alone story, there's plenty here to keep Steve Rogers fans entertained and give him some time in the spotlight to find out who he really is, if not Captain America. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Tony Rakittke Jul 12, 2010

    Captain America as James Bond. What's not to love about an idea like that?! I came into this issue with high hopes, but was disappointed with what I felt was an incredibly generic, uninteresting comic. The status quo has changed for Rogers and his future is waiting to be written, so why does this issue dwell in the past like it's something to be proud of? Read Full Review

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