Super-Villain Team-Up/M.O.D.O.K.'s 11 #1
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Super-Villain Team-Up/M.O.D.O.K.'s 11 #1

Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Francis Portela Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 18, 2007 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
7.0Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

M.O.D.O.K. gathers a team of villains together for his most shocking scheme yet!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Luke Handley Jul 15, 2007

    The overall result is a fun mini-series with a refreshing premise and a strong creative team that deserves to be given a chance by anyone whos ever rooted for the bad guys. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ariel Carmona Jr. Jul 15, 2007

    The bottom line is this is a fun, carefree, and therefore rare comic book, and Van Lentes script is full of enough levity and winning characterization to insure a pleasant comic reading experience, we should all enjoy the ride while it lasts. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Jul 15, 2007

    So were off to a shaky start. A good concept marred by faulty execution. We havent been introduced to the entire cast, and the details of the plot havent been revealed. However, the basic premise is still intact. We do get interesting and sometimes human character studies of four villains. If Fred Van Lente can do the same for the rest of the cast (and bring in as many characters as the title suggests), the whole story might be worth the price. For now, Im taking a wait-and-see attitude. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Sacks Jul 15, 2007

    My only real complaint about this issue is that this is clearly just a set-up for the full limited series. I recently pretty much switched over to reading TPBs only, mainly due to comics like this one. Super-Villains Team-Up #1 is very entertaining, but its just a stage setter, almost a prologue for the action that will be coming. I wish Marvel would bite the bullet with comics like this and just publish them as original graphic novels. Its inevitable that this will be collected, so whats the point of cluttering up comic shop shelves with comics like this one? Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Jul 15, 2007

    I had high hopes for this story; MODOK is one of Marvels craziest character concepts, one Ive been fond of since I was a child, and based on the premise of this series, I was looking forward to something that properly played up the absurdity of the character while delivering a fun crime caper. Perhaps thats to come in subsequent issues, but the first chapter of MODOKs 11 is definitely more bland than fun. Read Full Review

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