Ultimate Fantastic Four #14

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Adam Kubert Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 2, 2005 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 7
7.5Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

With the calculations and the inventing out of the way, it's time for the Fantastic Four to head to the N-Zone!

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Jan 13, 2005

    Sure, theres little in the way of any real action this issue, save for an excellently-rendered and extremely cinematic montage of the Fours shuttle being put together but the story doesnt drag or feel unentertaining as a result. Rather, Ellis and Kubert are harnessing the full strengths of Marvels paced-for-the-trade approach to monthly comics, providing a pitch-perfect snapshot of the group before they shoot off into the unknown. Despite being part two of a story, its a great chance to get on board what is unarguably the most-improved Ultimate title of the year, shedding its dull beginnings and finally promising to live up to the fantastic potential of our heroes. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jan 12, 2005

    Adam Kubert does the best he can with this issue, as he does manage to convey the proper sense of wonder into the second half of the issue, as he's called upon to deliver a number of splash page images of the shuttle, and the launching platform that will allow the Fantastic Four to make their journey into the great unknown. The art also does some nice work on the opening moments as the four discuss their impending journey, as I loved the reaction shot that details Johnny's reaction to the voyage into the N-Zone, or the panel where Ben makes it clear that he doesn't care much for the new code name that Johnny has given him. There's also a cute visual moment where Ben expresses his opinion of the name Reed gave his flying car, and the collective reaction shot to the shuttle's name really sold the gag. I do hold out some hope that the N-Zone will become more visually interesting than it currently stands though. Read Full Review

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