Ultimate Fantastic Four #3

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis, Mark Millar Artist: Adam Kubert Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 25, 2004 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 9
7.0Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

THE FANTASTIC PART 3 (OF 6). Reed Richards' revolutionary scientific experiment has gone terribly wrong, and he, Sue & Johnny Storm, Ben Grimm and another rival schoolmate are changed forever, along with the entire world!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 9, 2004

    Longtime readers of the Fantastic Four will walk away from this issue feeling a bit disappointed as there's not much new in the pages of this issue, as we're introduced to the powers of the four members of the Fantastic Four, and we see they are exactly the same as their Marvel counterparts. Of course I'd be the first to jump up and down kicking up a fuss if this book had made any drastic changes to what I consider to be one of the best mix of powers in the entire comic book reading experience, but still it does result in an issue that one can't help but be a bit disappointed with as there's no unexpected developments in this issue. Still, Reed gets a memorable arrival scene in this issue, as his twisted body greets the advancing soldiers, and if nothing else the Thing fan in me let out a little cheer after the scene where Ben is struck by a speeding truck, and doesn't even notice. I also enjoyed the way that Reed is portrayed in this issue, as he comes across as being so completely ab Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Mar 4, 2004

    Ultimate Fantastic Four is continuing to be a frustrating mixture of great artwork, a fun concept but surprisingly ordinary writing. If it is to be as succesful as other books in the Ultimate line, it may need to think about concentrating on the more gripping and fantastic elements of the characters. Whilst not a bad comic by any stretch of the imagination, the momentum is already starting to fall away a little from this young series: maybe standards have been set too high in the Ultimate line, but this comic is coming off as eager to please but simplistically formulaic, lacking the sophistication that is promised by its creators' pedigree. Read Full Review

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